32 Funny AF Memes To Slay Your Workday
The hilarious memes you love!
Published 7 years ago
The hilarious memes you love! Now all in one convenient list guaranteed to slay the metaphorical dragon that is your boss's beady-eyed stare as he waits for you to make some slight infraction is his personal kingdom. These memes are too accurate a represenation of the life in the food industry.
But even if you have a cushy office job, even you can feel the dread of the endless hours passing by at an agonizingly slow pace. Try to speed that up with some great work memes all about how to survive the monotony.
But even if you have a cushy office job, even you can feel the dread of the endless hours passing by at an agonizingly slow pace. Try to speed that up with some great work memes all about how to survive the monotony.