33 Minor Tweaks and Good Habbits To Change Your Life For the Better
These may help your daily life.
Published 1 year ago in Ftw
You never know what small habits, over time, can be the difference-maker during those key moments of life where success or failure can have an outsized impact on its trajectory. It could be something as small as whether or not you use face cream that decides whether you get to see your grandkids or that offhand compliment you gave somebody that keeps you around during the next round of downsizing. You never, never know.
You never know what small habits, over time, can be the difference-maker during those key moments of life where success or failure can have an outsized impact on its trajectory. It could be something as small as whether or not you use face cream that decides whether you get to see your grandkids or that offhand compliment you gave somebody who keeps you around during the next round of downsizing. You never, never know.2
Getting into the habit of saying please and thank you. I’ve seen endless horror stories about people in retail getting verbally abused by ungrateful and entitled customers, so I made a resolve to try and be as amicable and cooperative as I can. And it really made a difference. It really helps smooth things along when both people are working together to get things done as efficiently as possible. It’s a great feeling helping make someone’s day easier. Goes to show a little bit of kindness goes a long way.7
1) Trying to see the other person's point of view, or at least not reacting explosively negative to it when you disagree. (This helps immeasurably with in-laws.)2) knowing when to keep your mouth shut. It’s not necessary to always express an opinion or make a remark, especially when there's no hope of changing another's viewpoint.3) It costs NOTHING to be kind, to affirm other people by recognizing them, to say please & thank you.11
2 minute rule.If you see something that needs doing that will take 2 minutes or less; go ahead and do it. Put away those clothes. Pick up that toy as you walk by. Empty that dish washer when you go to get a drink. Scoop the litterbox when you go to take a p**s.Things will stay neater, you'll be more organized, and you'll find you have more time in the long run for stuff you want to do, instead of having to take care of stuff you've been putting off.19
Making your bed in the morning. It takes 3 minutes, and it makes your room look neat and presentable, as well as giving you the feeling that you accomplished something for the day. It's easy from there to just let that productive feeling snowball into being productive in other areas in your life.24
Positively impact someone's day. And I think that's a small habit, because you don't have to do anything huge.You could go really simple and just give a random, genuine compliment. "I like that jacket."You could go slightly more advanced and compliment someone to someone else. "Man, Martha has been killing it lately with her work." There's a chance the compliment gets back to her. But even if not, you're boosting your image to the person you said that to, because of your willingness to compliment others.You could do a slightly more advanced move like complimenting someone in the form of requesting their expertise. "Sam, you seem to really understand pivot tables in Excel. If you have time, do you mind showing me how they work?"All 3 of those tactics are *slightly* manipulative, because you have to consciously manufacture those moments with regularity, at least at first. But they breed nothing but benefits. The other person feels better. You feel better. And you're easing that gap that separates people, unless one takes the initiative of lessening it.30
If something needs to be done, *just do it.* Most people spend more time whining about work, whether household chores or employment related tasks, than if they'd just get in there and do it. Work and productivity is not the earth-shattering concept most people, of all ages, act like it is and no type of honest work is beneath anyone. Bathrooms are dirty at your high school job? Volunteer to do it. Your roommates not cleaning the common areas? Short-staffed at your adult job? Stay the extra thirty minutes to cover a task when everyone else acts like its moving mountains to do so.
After a while, you'll find there's a lot of personal satisfaction that can be found in this productivity for very little lost time in the big picture. Maybe you can only watch one episode on Netflix tonight instead of two for getting something done - so what? No, it's not always going to be fair, just like nothing else in life will be either. But, you can confidently say that you are humble enough and willing enough to take ownership and pride in your piece of the world when virtually no one else does the same. And in the end, it will be noticed by the right people. You will have better friends, better relationships, and better treated as an employee because genuine people in all of these categories know just how rare this trait is in a sea of total mediocrity. And there's no special skills required, just an open attitude you can start today with at any age.