35 People Who Revealed Corporate Secrets.
They disclose things from their nondisclosure agreements.
Published 3 years ago in Wow
They disclose things from their nondisclosure agreements.
I used to work at Frisch's as a hostess/busser/drive-thru attendant, that place was filthy and corrupt as f**k. No one in the kitchen wore gloves and the cooks loved making people eat old food/food that had been dropped on the disgusting floors. The manager loved to steal the waitresses tips and blame the customers or the sketchy looking bussers. The most corrupt thing the awful manager did while I was there was around Christmas time. He would take $100 out of each of the new/younger employees cash drawer, call your parents saying that their kid stole the money and they needed to be brought in to be questioned. When I went to work the next day I found out the same s**t happened to a few of the others, we all got pissed and snagged the key that locked the box to the camera controls, re-winded to the following day and watched until we saw the f***er start doing his thing. Every single one of us reported his a**. He got insta-fired. It was glorious.3
Amazon made me sign one when I worked with a company that painted their airplanes before the public knew they had them. (I did the FAA paperwork.) I was literally only one of like 7 people to see their airplane fully purple with their logo on it. I was actually taken off of the project for a day because they thought I lied about not having a facebook. They meant business4
I work in designer clothing retail. The clothes are quite expensive and the assistants are required to only wear full priced garments. So we (the whole team) just pick clothes off the rack, wear them all day (including lunch and bathroom breaks) and at the end of the shift, replace the tags and put the clothes back on the shelf for the customers to buy at full price. I know I was grossed out my first day there.5
A small-business owner for whom I worked several years ago kept deducting the employees' health insurance premiums but never sent the payments in to the carrier. After 2-3 months of this, our insurance was cancelled, right before one lady's teenage son was in a fairly serious car accident. She finds out at the emergency room, during what is of course an extremely stressful time, that she has no insurance whatsoever when she and her dependents had been fully covered. The next day she went into his office, very upset, to find out what happened. He gave his usual song-and-dance and made excuses for not having been able to send it in, and this normally mild-mannered lady picked up a stapler and threw it at him! (He wasn't even injured.) While doing that was of course unacceptable, I totally understood her frustration with this weasel. He spent thousands of dollars a month of company money (coding it to company expenses) at Sam's Club on groceries and big-ticket items for his house. On top of his already generous salary. Then to top it all off, he actually TOOK HER TO COURT for the stapler-throwing incident. After hearing the story, the judge dismissed the weasel's case and made a comment to the effect that if he were in the same position as her, he probably would've done the same thing.7
I was in the first test screening audience for John Wick 3 (and I think the NDA has expired since the movie is now out). The visual effects were still unfinished (and several scenes had just placeholder cards that described what occurred in the missing scene). It was really interesting being able to see the animal handlers running along with the animals, wearing full-body black spandex suits, before they were digitally deleted from the final film. I thought it was really interesting and it's just not something you'd think about being there.8
I just want to say that if you have ever worked at a water park, it will turn you off of visiting any kind of public pool or park for the rest of your life. The s**t we pulled out of those filters, man... no. Just pour so many chemicals into the water that literally nothing can live in it and call it a day.9
Worked for a self-storage place in Rocklin, CA. They made every customer sign a "lease agreement" that said that you wouldn't hold them responsible if your unit was broken into and things were stolen. I found out that we had 7-8 burglaries a year. The owners would get sued but they would always get off because they'd produce the "lease agreement" in court and the judge would dismiss the case. One day I came in from vacation to pick up my paycheck, and I found the owner and the manager loading up a truck with the contents from a unit that wasn't theirs. I went around the corner to an area where the fence allowed me to look in, and saw that they went to another storage space, cut off the lock, and proceeded to load up the truck with a telescope, big screen tv and some power tools. I came back the next day and asked one of my co-workers. He told me that the owners of the storage space would sell the stuff they stole from renters, and that the manager and owner did the same thing with another property that they owned in Granite Bay. I quit to go back to Sac State. I called the Rocklin cops to tell them what the owners were doing, and they said that there was nothing they could do unless they were caught in the act.10
Had to sign a NDA for a secure shipment that came into a building I ran security at, shipment came in at 2am unmarked transit van two guys had to verify their biometrics and give me the correct password, then was required to deactivate the cameras on the floors along the travel routes they took inside the building and wipe the footage of them entering and leaving(long play video tapes so easy to oops tape got chewed). They unpacked a set of vases and trundled off to put them in a private vault. Don't know what the f**k was in them but I've Seen less security for pallets of precious metal bullion.12
I worked as a chef at an addiction treatment facility that went under. Meh. Everyone was ripped off by the counselors. "No ton, you didn't sign in with 1000. You had $700. You are still a junkie and nobody trusts you." Everyone thought they were big shots but it was mostly low level canadian politicians, strung out soccer moms and the step dad of the singer of a universally hated musician.13
Common knowledge now, but in early 2000's Hewlett Packard would have their inkjet printer cartridges turn off even though they weren't empty. Each cartridge was put in a machine and a memory chip glued to it. The machine would make all the nozzles 'spit' on a piece of paper, a camera would look at it and then correction parameters would be programmed into it (some nozzles don't work, spit too little or too much, spit off to the side, etc.) The correction parameters were read off the chip and the printer would adjust the voltage and timing for the highest quality print. It was also trivially easy to write 'disable' to the chip after 4,000 pages and it wouldn't work in any HP printer. To ensure high print quality yadda yadda yeah right. And of course, only 'genuine' HP cartridges will work in the printer. Got taken to court and lost which is why you can now buy much cheaper cartridges on eBay. But if you buy a used printer from the right years it still won't work with cheap ones.14
I was an extra on Murder on The Orient Express, for the Istanbul scene (over a week of filming, and it's literally about 20 seconds of the film) Michelle Pfeiffer had to be fed her line reading on each line by Kenneth Branagh, which I thought was weird. Like every line, she'd be like 'how do you want me to say this?' And then at one point Johnny Depp snuck onto set the day before he was due to film with a baby doll's head in his hand and snuck up behind the car Michelle Pfeiffer was in to try and scare her with it. Weird dude.16
DND 5e had a kick a** online character builder that made character creation a breeze. It listed all of the possible skills etc per race and class that was intuitive and made theory crafting for characters easy. Personal conjecture: they canned it because it took away from the pen and paper aspect of the game and they were afraid with an online tool it'd take away from book sales.17
I was in the Super Bowl half time show as one of the extras when it came to my state. Let me just say that the two weeks prior to the week in the stadium were fine, they just tried to teach a bunch of marching band kids how to take even steps for two weeks. The week of rehearsals in the stadium was hell. They promised to feed us but had nothing for people with allergies (me) or diseases like celiac (my friend) or other dietary restrictions. They gave us these hand held radios so we could listen to instructions but it ended up being six hundred high school students sitting in the stands listening to the music while they talked with the star and guests. They constantly changed what jobs we had and no one knew what was going on. The part I was in required us to run off the stage, out underneath the stadium, all the way to the back gates and to the outside. This run was about a half a mile and we practiced it fifteen times a day (minimum) for the entire week up until the game. Oh, and the shark (yes the one from the meme) was only there for the actual performance, the person in the suit missed all the practices and I felt bad for them when it became a meme.22
“House Hunters” guest checking in, I never made the show because I didn’t close on the house. 1: I had to have a house under contract before going on the show. 2: They would select the other houses we were “interested” in. 3: I was assigned another SO who was more “interesting” than my actual SO.23
I worked for a popular national pet store chain. We told our customers that we got our puppies from 'reputable breeders and not puppy mills'. We got them from puppy mills, and I can't express how many came in on the back of a large, pitch dark freight truck, malnourished, scared and sick. We also adopted the cute kittens from the local sheltered and charged customers outrageous amounts of money. Most of whom just felt bad for the kittens. Don't support national chain pet stores that sale puppies that do not come from local shelters folks.26
A huge part of The Bachelorette was scripted. The company I worked for at the time was a major tourism service provider and featured prominently in one of the seasons. We were all pulled into meetings with the higher up managers, given a speel about what was in our best interest... and spilling any secrets was punishable by a $5mil lawsuit, "Please sign here". The "Bachelorette" herself was clearly there to further her public profile or "acting" career. The scenes were always "set up" before filming. Behind the camera nothing was happening. The cast were told where to go, what to do and how to do it. If half those guys weren't on their phones texting their real girlfriends most of the time, I would be surprised. So fake... so 100% fake.27
Previous pharmacy chain I worked for. Always at risk of robbery for opiates, and we are always taught to give the robber what they want with no questions asked. Have heard of times that pharmacists instead gave bottles of oxy with Tylenol in it instead and other things that were reckless and dangerous due to possible retaliation when and if they figure out they have been duped. New policy and nda comes out where specific opiates were placed in safe with GPS tracker and charger so when it is removed from radius of origin, it issues remote notification to third party that tracks location and works with local LEO to find the wanted party.28
I was a model for a few big name/well known make up companies. I did several print ads for magazines and a few television commercials. The makeup artists do use the product advertised, but MINIMALLY. Like that mascara they're touting? It's over REALLY GOOD fake eye lashes and they also used another brand of mascara along with the one they're trying to sell you. Also - the clothes in the ads you see are pinned to high heaven on the model. They fit nothing like they look. It's not you. It's not your body. It's fake advertising. Most of us models look just like you wearing that cr*p without all the pins and tucks and double sided tape.30
In 2009 my professor was doing some consulting work for Blackberry and told us 'This doesn't leave this room, but Blackberry actually actively slows down the release of new products, because they are developing them so fast that they want the customer market to keep pace with the rate of change.'31
I did some research on small scale agriculture in South Appalachia. As part of living with and studying the community I stayed with, I was sworn to secrecy for five years after submitting my research to the happenings and names of those I lived with. I saw arson of federal property, and impersonating officers of the law and clergy. Grand theft auto, meth cooking and moonshining. Cockfights, kids getting coerced into prostitution, dogs getting shot full of rocksalt for laughs. I had to sleep in a junkyard for a few nights and found dried human scalps hanging in an old bus, ate rotting meat from a dumpster and had to hide for my life from shotgun-wielding thieves in the dead of winter. Its not all horror shows in the hills; theres good people, tightly knit communities, and beauty in nature I've never seen since. But whats there is very much real and very much a danger. When I finally returned, I submitted my write up and dropped the project at the advisement of my sponsor, delivered over a bottle of mezcal.