36 Smart Tips to Keep You Alive
These could help you out.
Published 2 years ago in Ftw
In a survival situation, you never know what you're going to need -- what small, informational tidbit might make the difference between you becoming mincemeat and you walking home through the front door that night.
A lot of people find it appealing to have a weapon on them and that’s a personal choice I won’t go into lol. If you choose to, whether it’s a knife, or a gun, or pepper spray, KNOW HOW TO USE IT!!! You will be amazed how quickly your knife can be turned on you if you don’t know what you’re doing with it.I also heard a piece of advice that is sad, but probably effective imo. If you’re getting robbed or attacked or whatever, don’t just scream or yell for help. Scream and yell “help my child!” Yes even if you don’t have a kid. That’s more likely to draw someone’s attention, especially if you’re a man calling for help. Hope this helps someone.8
Tell your daughters: if someone is coming at you in a threatening/kidnapping vibe, pull out your phone and say "Facebook Live" and theres a good chance they'll walk away... Since it's "Live/streaming". You don't have to actually fidget to get FB Live up and streaming, just say that you are. (please do if your capable). It saved my 38 year old cousin from getting kidnapped while out walking her dog. She learned it from a 14 year old girl (friends with her parents) who was also almost kidnapped.13
If you think you hear someone outside your house at night, your instinct will be to turn all the lights on. You should in fact turn them all **off** for two reasons: First, with the lights off he can't see where you are or what you are doing. Second, you know your way around your house in the dark way better than he does, and if he gets in, this works to your advantage.21
In the **extremely** unlikely event you are attacked by a swarm of bees, most adults can typically just outrun them, especially if you run into the wind. Do not stop running, some bees will chase you for up to a quarter mile. Do not try to hide under water, they will wait for you to come up for air.22
If you're fighting a kangaroo, as you do, punch the kangaroo as hard as you possibly can, and don't run.Running shows fear and then the kangaroo knows it can beat you.The reason why you punch is because, in a kangaroos mind, any kick is way stronger than any punch. Let's say 10x stronger (I don't know exactly).So if you punch them hard enough, they'll back down because they'll think you can kick them 10x harder than that.If you didn't punch them hard enough, well, you're f****d.24
If you think you're being followed while walking outside, pretend to get a call and respond 'normally' and say something along the line that you'll meet soon. In the same scenario if you approximately know the person is slightly further behind and you round a corner.. run like an idiot to a more crowded or safer place. Go into a shop, bus, a group of people..even ring someone's doorbell if you have to and ask to call the police.Absolute worst case scenario if it's in the middle of the night and nobody is out..and someone is following you..smash/kick someone's car so it sounds a loud alarm..it could scare the stalker off.26
A couple different things for different situations.If you’re stabbed and the knife is still in, don’t take it out. It’s plugging a wound and stopping you from leaking.If you’re stuck outside in the cold, especially if you’re lost, stay in place and try to stay out of the wind. Stationary people are easier to find. Also, no matter how warm you suddenly feel, keep your clothes on. Your body flash-processes glucose in a last ditch effort to keep warm right before you freeze to death, and it can make you feel unbearably hot if you’ve been freezing for the last couple hours.Above all else, if you can’t remember anything else, “calm people live. Panicked people pass away.”30
I dont know if it's true everywhere, but where I've been in the western states it's a general rule.When lost in the woods and you find a logging road, the intersections at a t are generally not 90. The least sharp turns almost always point back to the highways. Full logging trucks don't turn as easily so the less sharp turns are usually on the way out.34
If a high voltage power line falls near you, stepping away from it may kill you, as they may carry more than 100,000 volts. One large step may put your front foot at a place where the voltage is much lower. If the difference is high enough the insulation from your shoes may be too low to prevent the voltage from passing through (and killing) you. Prevent this by shuffling away using tiny steps. This minimizes the voltage difference between your feet.