37 Fresh Memes and Pics You Can't Argue With
There are few truths in life.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
There are few truths in life. Death, taxes, and memes, depending on when in human history you were born that is. A thousand years ago people died like they do today, they paid taxes like they do today (though much less) but what they didn't do was look at memes on their phones late night by the fire while they should have been guarding the cave.
And for that reason and that reason alone, you should count yourself lucky. You get to live in a time with electricity, the internet, and .... you can fill in the blanks.
It's easy to take things for granted, we get it, but having a 24-hour grocery store and a more or less endless supply of water (hot if you want it) is better than all the kings you have come and gone. So stop your sulking and be thankful you get to stay up late, sitting in a comfy bed, looking at memes on ya phone.