29 Memes You'll Get If You're Over 30
If you can relate to these memes, don't forget to take some Tylenol.
Published 3 years ago in Funny
Growing up and getting older is an inescapable fact of nature. Everything and everyone feels the effects of time and grows older as time passes. Obviously, there are plenty of benefits to maturing and growing up like getting your driver's license, graduating from high school and / or college, getting the right to vote, being able to drink alcohol, getting married, and starting a family, and the list goes on and on. There are also a few 'downsides' of getting older such as losing loved ones, health issues, a weakened immune system, losing some of your independence, and the obvious and inevitable: the final days of one's life.
But forget about all that for now, lets's enjoy some common ground and a bit of nostalgia with this brief walk down memory lane. So take a few minutes to check out this funny and relatable batch of memes that anyone born before 1992 can almost certainly relate to.
But forget about all that for now, lets's enjoy some common ground and a bit of nostalgia with this brief walk down memory lane. So take a few minutes to check out this funny and relatable batch of memes that anyone born before 1992 can almost certainly relate to.