40 Wild Things People Overheard Because Of Thin Walls.
Nathan Johnson
You never know who can hear you.
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Pre-dawn hours, blizzard outside, everything still and quiet, my roommate and I heard our neighbor on the other side of the firewall fart, wet and deep like a stifled baritone sax, and exclaim to himself in a twisted combination of awe and disgust, "OH my GOD!" We burst out laughing, and hear him chime in with pride, "Did you guys *hear* that?!" vindicated that his fart was heard and forever lives in our memories. -
When I was an older teenager I had my own tiny apartment in the hood and a raging a*****e gang member for a boyfriend. We would get in raucous fights and my downstairs neighbor would call the police. One time, I was crying quietly after a particularly bad fight that had gotten physical and I heard my neighbor arguing with her husband “No, I’m not going to mind my own business and ignore it. I don’t care that he always comes back the next day & she forgives him. One day he’s going to really hurt her or kill her and I’m not going to live with knowing that I sat there and did nothing when I KNEW a girl was being abused”. I was naive and in love, I thought and ignorant and young and I had never considered it ABUSE. That felt so melodramatic but I realized that my neighbor was right. Finally left him for good after that fight. So, good looking out random lady in east LA in 1999. I’m sorry for being the worst neighbor imaginable -
My parents told me stories about the apartment they lived in when i was a baby. The lady above us was a classically trained pianist and her music room was above my room. Apparently when i would start crying in my crib she would start playing and i would go right to sleep. After my parents divorced my dad stayed in the same apartment. A few years later when i went to visit him (i was about 10 or 11) i got to finally meet her for the first time. The woman who used to play me to sleep as a baby taught me how to play the piano ten years later. -
Someone sneezed. We said bless you. They laughed. -
Our neighbors were once talking loud and I was nosey so I put my ear up to the wall and realized she was reading him Harry Potter pretty enthusiastically and it made my heart melt. -
Years ago I had an upstairs neighbor. At 2am, every night, I would hear something sprint across the entire apartment. I realized three things, it was very fast, it took small strides, and it never deviated from its path. One day, I saw my neighbor outside and I said, "I dont know how you have energy at 2am?" He responded with, "Dude, I've been working the midnight to 8am shift for 15 years. Doesnt bother me at all". That night, I watched him leave his house, drive off, and waited two hours. At exactly 2am, I heard what sounded like two feet hit the floor in his bedroom, and the marathon started. A few weeks later, I see him outside. I tell him what I hear at night and he says, "That's strange, no one has my keys, it's just me and my rabbit up there." -
My downstairs neighbors are a couple with a one year old boy. The babies room is right under mine. They speak so sweetly to him I’m not even mad that I can hear them so clearly. One morning the dad went in to get the baby out of bed and I hear him go “can you say daddy? Can you say daddy?” And in the tiniest little voice I heard “daddy”. My heart melted. -
I’ve heard my neighbor giving his granddaughter a xylophone, for birthday I guess. She could play it well and kept playing for a while. Immediately after she left I could hear him trying to play something his granddaughter played. He practiced for a solid hour until he managed to play this song correctly and stopped with a joyful“Yes!“. It was one of the purest things I’ve ever experienced. -
The way my old apartments were laid out, the neighbors bedroom was right next to my kitchen / dining room. One night, I hear them banging (thin walls are thinner when the bed is hitting the wall) while I was fixing dinner. I just turned up the music and continued on with my life. Two hours later, I was cleaning up , doing dishes, and generally tidying up when I heard the familiar thump thump thump of banging. I think, good for them and bag up the trash to take out. Thump thump thump. I open the door and take my bag of trash outside. As I’m walking out, I see the male half of my thumping neighbors....walking in from his car. Walking back from the dumpster, I see a half naked dude running out of the neighbors apartment. They moved shortly after that. -
My upstairs neighbors taking turns zapping each other with a stun gun, hitting the floor, groaning in pain, and then laughing like Beavis and Butthead. -
"Help me please. He won't let me go." - I went and knocked on the door, guy opened the door with his pants half way down while a woman behind him kept screaming that he wouldn't let her go. He told me to f**k off and closed the door. I called the cops and apparently I stopped the guy from r*ping the girl. Felt good. -
I once heard an argument that went a little like this: "Stop treating me like I'm stupid!" "You asked if Seahorses were mammals, Jessica!" "THEY GIVE LIVE BIRTH." -
I actually manage an apartment complex where my office is surrounded by a one bedroom unit. The building is old and the walls are thin. The tenant that used to live in the unit was a quiet man but would frequently sing beautiful opera music. His voice was amazing and I loved it every time I heard him sing! Then one time I saw him in the halls and made the mistake of asking if he was the one who sang these beautiful opera songs. His face turned red but he confirmed that it was him. I told him that I always enjoyed it when I heard him sing and that it would always brighten my day. Never should have said anything because I never heard him sing again. -
When I was in grad school I lived below a family with several young kids. The mother was great and we got along well. She was always apologetic about kid noise, but I didn't really mind. The compromise that worked for us was that it was ok for me to play an amplified guitar, as long as it wasn't late, because her kids liked it and would dance to it when they could hear it. -
I woke up one morning in a daze, started walking down my stairs (I live in a townhouse/condo) and paused and farted, way louder than I expected. My neighbor next door started laughing so hard from her living room. -
My dad snoring like a bear, and my mum snoring like a walrus. If they argue, they snore out of sync, and if they have a nice day they snore in sync. It’s really quite sweet. -
One day my neighbor was spontaneously singing the national anthem (America) and stopped mid-line and cussed because they messed up the words. So I sang the correct next line and they burst out laughing before coming back in and finishing the song with me. I've still never met that neighbor. 10/10 Voice -
I once heard a former roommate laughing with his then girlfriend about how they're f*****g me over on money. Turned out they were taking my utility portion and buying various games and alcohol. Instead of confronting them, I confirmed what they said with the utilities company (they hadn't paid the bill is 2 months) and I moved all my stuff out that day while they were at work. For good measure, I took myself off the lease and told them about the GF that had been there 6 months. -
A child yelling "Stop hitting me". I called the cops on them several times and never regretted it once. New upstairs neighbors are a thousand times better. Now I listen to their kitty get the zoomies and run up and down the hall! -
Late to this thread - but for a while I lived next to some Mormon missionaries. Super nice girls. I once apologized to them because my bird was a bit of a squeaker, they told me they didn’t mind. I was home sick from work one day, and they were singing to my bird through the wall. It was so cute I almost died. -
I shared a wall with a Buddhist temple, so a lot of chanting and gonging. It was an awesome five years. -
Girlfriend and I were laying in bed at night, was probably around 11:30pm when we hear our neighbor scream; "I f*****g love tomatoes!" and that was all that we heard. -
an argument about money while I was doing the dishes. It ended with a slammed door and one of them on a piano, hitting the keys like a maniac. Some people read, some people go get something to eat, some people exercise.. this m**********r relieves stress by going crazy on a piano. lol -
My male neighbor from India belting out hello by Adele at the top of his lungs. It was magical. -
"F**k you, man! If you don't like spaghetti, then you don't like me!" -
Not in my house, but I travel a lot for work and stay in a lot of hotels. So far my favorite was hearing someone banging around in the shower for a while then this exchange: (Loudly) "Hey! Wash my balls." (Louder)"Wash your own goddamned balls!" (Yelling)"F**k you, your pussy stinks!" They got quiet after that, probably because they heard me howling with laughter and realized people could hear them. -
I heard my roommates having sex very loudly. I didn’t say anything at the moment but sat them down the next day and talked about it...turns out the boyfriend was at work during the time it happened -
"Gina, I love you! Gina no! Gina, dammit put the knife down!!" At this point, both the apartments adjoining to Gina's called the police. Gina's husband decided to spend the night elsewhere. -
What can only be described as my flat mate having phone sex while using Christian bales batman voice -
I moved from far away, so I have a different state license plate than everyone else at the apartment complex. A couple of days ago I head my upstairs neighbor drunkenly ranting to his wife about what he thinks I'm up to. He's convinced that I'm on the run from something. I'm just in grad school lmao. -
"William! We do *not* hit!" His mom was visiting. He was 30. -
More what my neighbour heard...I'm a deep sleeper and was an even deeper sleeper as a teenager. My phone alarm was going off for 30 minutes and my neighbours could hear it through the walls, assumed it was a burglar alarm and called the police. Waking up to the police banging on my door was confusing. -
My last apartment had particularly weak walls between apartments. One night I was reading in bed and I was unknowingly the third party to a particularly nasty fight between the couple living next door. The fight last for almost an hour and was apparently the end of their said relationship as she was going to leave him and the apartment the next day. The longer the fight went on the more interested I became as I pieced snippets of the reason for the fight together. I did not know them personally, only enough to wave and say hi, help them with carrying up groceries etc...good neighbor stuff. It seemed Couple A (both early thirties) were becoming bored with their sex life. For whatever reason they decided that they would fulfill a fantasy of theirs and invite a third individual to join them sexually. Male A and Female A found through some online means Male B to join them. I guess things worked out for awhile, from the snippets of the fight I caught Male B had joined them on multiple occasions for various sexual escapades. The kicker was Female A came home early from a work trip and found Male A and Male B deeply engrossed in their sexual acrobatics without her. Female A flipped out and I guess after that point they tried to patch things up but she caught both of them on two other occasions (the latest being the night before fight night that I was unashamedly listening to) Neither neighbor would hold my gaze for long the next morning. I think they were to embarrassed or ashamed to ask if I had heard anything and presumed I heard it all. I even offered to carry a box of stuff she was lugging out of the apartment (remember..good neighbor). She mumbled something and said no. He was packed, moved out and gone a week later. Needless to say it was the most interesting thin walled apartment experience I have had the vicarious pleasure to be part of. -
I lived next to a couple some years ago and they came home after a night out and started fighting about who was better at darts. I thought they were joking but it got pretty heated. Doors were slammed. -
Upstairs neighbors were a single mom and teenage daughter. They were very loud. The mom’s room was above my room. One day I had off and was woken up by sex upstairs. It was pretty common in the previous couple weeks. This time, though, someone came in and started screaming. “YOU’RE HAVING SEX IN MYYYYY BED?!” Turns out the daughter had been skipping school and coming back to the apartment with her boyfriend. They were the ones having sex in the mom’s bed. The fight that ensued should’ve earned both women awards. -
I've been hearing Don't Stop Believing by Journey every morning at least twice for about a month now -
Couple upstairs would argue frequently. One particular evening, they had an epic battle. It was hours long. About 2 hours into the argument (11 pm on a weeknight) we heard the woman shout “first of all”. That was the moment we knew sleeping wouldn’t be restful that night. -
Yesterday when I was taking a s**t my neighbor was blasting classical music on full volume. It was the most majestic and relaxing s**t I've taken in a long time -
I lived next to a guy who took care of his disabled girlfriend. She stayed home with a nurse while he worked to support them and pay for her healthcare. Everyone really admired him for it. He used to get drunk and tell her that if she doesn’t start putting out he’s gonna throw her a*s out. -
I’ve heard and *felt* the neighbors upstairs having sex. And apparently they like to rearrange the furniture at least twice a week.
- 18 Photoshop Request That Got Trolled.
Pre-dawn hours, blizzard outside, everything still and quiet, my roommate and I heard our neighbor on the other side of the firewall fart, wet and deep like a stifled baritone sax, and exclaim to himself in a twisted combination of awe and disgust, "OH my GOD!" We burst out laughing, and hear him chime in with pride, "Did you guys *hear* that?!" vindicated that his fart was heard and forever lives in our memories.