Perfectly Petty: 36 Times People Turned Being Petty into a Competitive Sport
It may have been passive-aggressive, but they got their message across.
Published 10 months ago in Funny
They say revenge is a dish best served cold. We all have had moments in life where someone is entitled, hateful, spiteful, or does something that we feel wrongs us in some type of way. Reacting in real-time is often not the best response because you may overreact or not fully think about what you are about to say or do and could just end up making a horrible mistake or blowing the situation way out of proportion. Sometimes it's best to just let it simmer and give yourself some time to come up with the perfect payback.
In this batch of funny images, people demonstrate the ridiculous lengths they went to just to be petty. They waited for the right moment to exact their revenge on a roommate, a spouse, a parent/child, or just a complete stranger. Sure, it may have been passive-aggressive, but they got their message across.