9 creatures that can be found in the human body
Nathan Johnson
these are just terrifying
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British singer Katie Melua recently posted the picture of a small spider that had been inside her ear for a week. She posted a video of the creature on her Instagram account saying: "So I had a rustling in my ear for a week and went to the doctor. This little fella is what they found!" Needless to say that this left the singer and her ear specialist startled. -
TAPEWORM-Falling under the Cestoda class, these parasitic flatworms cause the Tapeworm Infection, which can be caused by consumption of uncooked food. Common symptoms that indicate this infection include nausea, weakness and abdominal pain. -
GUINEA WORM-According to the World Health Organization WHO, the guinea worm is the "largest of the tissue parasite affecting humans" that causes an infection called Dracunculiasis or the Guinea-worm disease. It migrates through tissues under the skin and eventually comes out of a body part mostly feet, causing immense pain along with a blister or an ulcer. -
PARASITIC ROUNDWORM-Also known as nematodes, these are invertebrates animals with no backbones that are found in the soil and usually enter the body through one's mouth, causing serious tissue problems and intestinal diseases. Parasitic roundworms are more likely to affect humans living in places with a lack of clean water supply or those who do not take proper sanitation measures. -
HUMAN BOTFLY-The Human Botfly dermatobia hominis is a parasite particularly attracted to human flesh and is said to be vectored by mosquitoes and flies. These parasites can enter most parts of a human body, sometimes even brains of infants leading to tissue damage and severe pain. If not taken care of, a human botfly infestation can lead to fatal internal complications. -
JUNE BUG-Phyllophaga June bug is a type of beetle that can sometimes enter a human's ear or the mouth. If it manages to enter ears, a June Bug can cause severe pain and hearing loss in extreme cases. -
MAGGOT-Mainly a threat to livestock and pets, a maggot, the larva of a fly, can infest a human body as well. The infestation of a maggots, or Myiasis, in humans is mostly caused by the botfly. -
EARWIG-Though there is no scientific evidence of a human disease transmitted by earwigs, these creatures are found throughout the world and are said to be dangerous. -
LOUSE-One of the most common wingless insects that can infect humans, louse commonly known through the plural - lice can cause a disease called Pediculosis, in which they feed on the blood. Though lice can be found on any human body part, head-lice infestation is the most common around the world.