A story about a miracle dollar bill
Nathan Johnson
sometimes things just have a way of turning out
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Peter Biello and his lovely wife, Grace, were married for 50 years. -
On a fateful trip to Italy, Peter’s mother set the two up and suggested they get married. So they did just that, and then moved to Connecticut where they had 2 children and 4 grandchildren. They had a very happy life together and were inseparable. -
In 2009 the pair decided to sign a couple of dollar bills, just for fun. Peter kept the dollars in his wallet as a memento, but realized one day that he had accidentally spent them. In 2014, Grace died after a 13-year battle with cancer. -
A couple of weeks ago after having lunch with his granddaughter, the waitress gave Peter $3 in change. He almost didn’t believe it when he saw his wife’s signature on one of the bills. -
Peter says, “I told my granddaughter, ‘we’re going straight to the cemetery, and we’re going to tell Nonna that I got the dollar back.’ I showed the dollar to my wife and said, ‘Grace, look, I got your dollar back.'” Now it’s in a safe place and Peter also says, “Nobody’s gonna get that dollar anymore, no way.”