
A Year in Pictures: The 49 Best Pics of 2023

2023 was eventful, so here are 50 of the year's coolest pics to help you look back and reflect. 

The r/pics subreddit is one of the internet's best photo-sharing communities, and not a day goes by when the world's biggest events don't make an appearance. Between modern historical documentation and cute anecdotal flicks, the page adeptly captures the flow of the internet through imagery. Sorting its tens of thousands of posts by top this year provided a unique perspective into what people felt compelled to look at in 2023. 

For example, in a year mired by political conflict, war, and disaster, the singular most upvoted image on the platform was of a man and his neighbor's stowaway cat; which he discovered in his car after a full day at work. Perhaps wanting to look at a cute cat more than anything else is indicative of some disaster fatigue and a desire for distraction. 

Of course, plenty of other iconic photos were taken this year, including the first presidential mugshot. Incredibly, the Trump mugshot barely graced the internet before disappearing from circulation, and what had the opportunity to be a landmark cultural moment turned into nothing more than the day's news. Welcome to 2023 in photos. 

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