25 Alexander the Great Facts Your Teachers Never Told You
Alexander the Great once ruled the world. But how much do you know about him?
Published 2 years ago in Ftw
Alexander the Great once ruled the world. But if most people are being honest, he is little more than a name to them. Who was the REAL Alexander? To help you learn the answer, we've assembled the wildest facts about him from todayilearned that your history teachers would NEVER tell you! Check out 24 Facts About Cleopatra History Couldn't Hide for some more historical fun facts.
Today I learned about Cynane, Alexander the Great's warrior half-sister. Unlike most women of the time, she was given a martial education, and led her own troops into battle. She slew an Illyrian queen in battle, defeated the army of one of Alexander's generals, and after she was killed by Alcetas, his troops rioted.