Artist Took Various Drugs and Drew a Portrait of Himself on Each One
Bryan Lewis Saunders decided to take a different drug every single day and paint a self-portrait while under the influence of that drug, you know, for art.
Published 4 years ago in Creepy
Bryan Lewis Saunders decided to take a different drug every single day and paint a self-portrait while under the influence of that drug, you know, for art. While this should go without say, DO NOT try this at home.
Saunders suffered some serious consequences as a result of this "experiment".
“After experiencing drastic changes in my environment, I looked for other experiences that might profoundly affect my perception of self. So I came up with another experiment where every day I took a different drug or intoxicant and drew myself under the influence. “Within weeks I became lethargic and suffered mild brain damage that wasn’t irreparable. I am still conducting this experiment but over greater lapses of time and presently only take drugs that are prescribed to me by a doctor.”" -Bryan Saunders
Saunders suffered some serious consequences as a result of this "experiment".
“After experiencing drastic changes in my environment, I looked for other experiences that might profoundly affect my perception of self. So I came up with another experiment where every day I took a different drug or intoxicant and drew myself under the influence. “Within weeks I became lethargic and suffered mild brain damage that wasn’t irreparable. I am still conducting this experiment but over greater lapses of time and presently only take drugs that are prescribed to me by a doctor.”" -Bryan Saunders