artist under a drug drawing a pictures
Experiment passed in frameworks of the program of the government of the USA on research of the preparations changing mentality, in the late fifties the past century. The artist has received dose LSD-25 both a box with pencils and handles. It needed to draw the doctor, made to it an injection.
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The first drawing was ready in 20 minutes after the first dose (50 mkg):The observing doctor writes down, the patient draws coal. According to the patient: "the Condition normal. While any effects" -
Later 85 minutes after introduction of the first dose and 20 minutes after the second dose (50 mkg of 50 mkg): At the patient euphoria is observed. "I can see you so clearly, so purely. It. You. It is all. At me small problems with a pencil. As if it moves in itself." -
2 hours of 30 minutes after the first dose: the Patient very much with concentration draws. "Contours look normally, but they very bright, all constantly changes the colour. My hand should follow a strong current of lines. I feel, how my consciousness flows in an active part of a body, in my hand, an elbow. My language". -
2 hours of 32 minutes after the first dose: the Patient with enthusiasm draws. "I try to make other drawing. The model looks normally, but my drawing, is not present. My hand strange varies. This drawing is not especially good, the truth? I will throw it, I will try again." -
2 hours of 35 minutes after the first dose: the Patient quickly draws the following picture. "I will draw it one movement. Without stopping. One line, without a separation!" After drawing is finished, the patient starts to laugh, then something on a floor frightens it. -
2 hours of 45 minutes after the first dose: the Patient tries to get to a box with paints, and he is excited. Slowly answers the offer to draw still. He almost does not speak. "Я. All. Has changed. They call. Your person. Coils. Who it." The patient silently sings any melody. Now he draws distemper. -
4 hours of 25 minutes after the first dose: the Patient has got over on a cot where has lain about 2 hours, moving hands in air. Suddenly, it has confidently come back to a table. Began to draw a feather and a water colour. "It will be the best drawing. Almost as the first, only is better. If I is careless, I will lose the control over the movements, but it will not occur, because I know. I know". (He has repeated it still many times). The patient has made the last some dabs, running back and forth on a room. -
5 hours of 45 minutes after the first дозы:Пациент continued to move on a room, crossing space on difficult trajectories. Has passed an hour and a half before it has sat down and has started to draw again. "I again feel the knees. I think, the medicine stops to operate. It is very good drawing, this pencil rather difficult to hold"., (In hands at it pastel it is small) -
After eight hours after the first dose: the Patient sits on a couch. He says that preparation action has practically ended, except that our persons are still a little deformed. We ask it to draw last picture. It satisfies our request without special enthusiasm. "I have nothing to tell about this last drawing. It bad and uninteresting. I want home."
- artist under a drug drawing a pictures