27 Disturbing Facts You Probably Haven’t Heard Before
Maybe you'd rather stay in the dark on these.
Published 2 years ago in Creepy
There are many disturbing facts that most people know, but here are some that you maybe haven't heard before. Scraped together by the minds of AskReddit, here are 27 facts that are definitely disturbing, and more than a bit obscure. Perhaps by the end you'll have wished you stayed in the dark for some of these. After all, ignorance is bliss as they say.
Why do you want to know these disturbing facts anyway? I myself am more than a bit disturbed after collecting them, and am reminded more of the horrors of the world than of its wonders. We are feeble beings on the individual level after all, susceptible to all forms of malfortune from sickness to accidents to violence. I try to take a positive outlook on life, celebrating its wonder and gifts. And then I read all these disturbing facts. Read them at your own risk, and enjoy them at your own expense.
Why do you want to know these disturbing facts anyway? I myself am more than a bit disturbed after collecting them, and am reminded more of the horrors of the world than of its wonders. We are feeble beings on the individual level after all, susceptible to all forms of malfortune from sickness to accidents to violence. I try to take a positive outlook on life, celebrating its wonder and gifts. And then I read all these disturbing facts. Read them at your own risk, and enjoy them at your own expense.
The act of hitting someone in the head won’t actually knock them out. It’s more likely to kill them. In movies, you see people hit a person on the head with something heavy, like a book or a brick or even heavier items. This won’t knock a person out so much as give them a concussion or flat out just kill them - our heads are pretty fragile.22
Edgar Allen Poe wrote a novel in 1838 in which 4 shipwrecked survivors, at the point of starvation, choose to resort to cannibalism. So they kill the young cabin boy, Richard Parker, and eat him. In 1884, a ship called the Mignonette sank. 4 crew members survived. At the point of starvation, they killed and ate the youngest of them: Richard Parker.27
The Challenger crew compartment stayed intact after the initial explosion, and for three of them their emergency air systems had been manually activated. So not only did they survive the explosion, but it's entirely possible the crew was alive and conscious during their entire descent back to Earth.