Rabies is a virus endemic to every continent except Antarctica. It is transmitted from animals to humans and affects our central nervous system.
Symptoms of rabies will at first feel like the flu. This includes fever, headaches, and achiness. The wound from the animal that bit you will burn a little, but it won't feel unnatural.
Anywhere between a week or even a year later, those symptoms will progress at a debilitating rate. The rabies will start eating at your brain, causing anxiety and confusion. Soon, you will experience abnormal behavior and hallucinations.
There are two types of rabies. The first type, furious rabies, the most common, causes humans to become excitable. Strangely enough, it also causes a strong fear of water and flying. Victims of this form will most likely die of cardiac arrest.
The second type, paralytic rabies, causes slow paralysis until the victim's death.
Rabies is transmitted through the saliva of infected animals. It is most commonly spread through bats.
Rabies is treatable by vaccine, for both you and the infected animal that bit you (should you know this animal and want to save its life). The catch is to seek treatment as soon as the symptoms start exhibiting themselves. You should also wash the animal bite with soap and water.