Explorer finds an old German WWII bunker with a scary past
there’s still secrets and facts that people are discovering. For example, a secret French bunker that was used by Hitler.
Published 7 years ago in Wow
there’s still secrets and facts that people are discovering. For example, a secret French bunker that was used by Hitler.
According to some historians, this might have not only been one of many bunkers used by the German army, but was actually a place that Hitler himself conducted meetings about the Normandy front. There were also rumours that this oversized bunker was where Hitler retired to plan attacks on Britain, and came up with a contingency plan of burning Paris to he ground if the Allies reached the city centre. Thankfully, neither of those plans came to fruition.4
As Marc wandered through the complex, he could see all the various rooms and their purposes as living quarters, places to meet, but there was also one room that was baffling. It was at the end of a long hall, and it was a tiny closet with a door that locked from the outside. A brig, perhaps? No lights though.11
He started off by exploring an area of rural France that he hadn’t really looked at before, but he had to be extra careful, as it was hunting season. This sign actually has nothing to do with the Wolf Canyon, but it’s still pretty apt. It says “Caution, Trap Zone” reminding people that there are hunting traps ahead, but also a deeper, more ferrying trap. The ghosts of a certain dictator who was hell bent on world domination.