Flashback Friday: To the REALLY old days
Boomers, this walk down memory lane is for you. Your times were simple but sometimes we forget how much things improved as time went on, yall had...
By Ohlord
Published 5 years ago in Feels
Boomers, this walk down memory lane is for you. Your times were simple but sometimes we forget how much things improved as time went on, yall had true grit to survive your childhoods!
Not sure whether this was part of a playground or something in case there was nuclear war
My dad used to say that the perfect sized rock hurt worst and did more damage than a fist. If kids today at these, we wouldn't have windows or eyes.
And today we're complaining because our tablets are too heavy or cumbersome.
It's either a really old washing machine or an ice cream maker. Either way I'm glad they've come a long way, baby
For some reason, these look much more sinister than the little bubble bumper cars they've got now
This product probably took the hair off your head back in the day. DOn't they still make this?
Another thing we enjoy now that came from the boomer's
Every old house had one of these and your grandma put the fear of god in you when she turned it on (the purple and blue flames were like magic, though)
Why were the screens round then? Wonder if round screens won't be the next big thing again because people want to be unique
Wooden pinball games, when was the last time you saw an old beast like this? How cool! Wait, when was the last time you saw a pinball machine?
Yall survived things like this. Seriously true grit.
I'll bet they were better then and the little box is cuter than the strip of wax that holds them together, now
Great cartoons came from the Boomer's gen
And how weird is it to think there were hours and hours of no tv programming at all?
The chicklet packs changed by the time the '80s and '90s kids enjoyed them and I'll bet the size and flavors did too. Haven't seen this one in a few years- anyone else?
Metal skates and wheels had to be brutal to use. The first wheelies?
Booster seats didn't look very safe
But drive ins like this are definitely something that should make a comeback
I feel like chicken tonight like Chicken Tonight
They might still have these, but not here.