Woman Has Ribs Removed To Achieve the "Ideal" Body
Pixee Fox is a twenty five year old who has an obsession, she wants to resemble Jessica Rabbit.
By LogCabbin
Published 7 years ago in Wow
Pixee Fox is a twenty five year old who has an obsession, she wants to resemble Jessica Rabbit.
She spent 120,000 dollars on plastic surgery to look like Jessica Rabbit.
She has had six ribs removed to achieve her 14 inch waist
Pixee has had a total of fifteen operations to achieve this transformation.
Before Pixee went about drastically changing her appearance, she looked unrecognisable from the pictures above
Her rib operation was an extreme five-hour procedure that is irreversible. A doctor called Barry Eppley in Indianapolis agreed to perform the procedure which is usually performed for medical not cosmetic reasons
I’ll let you be the judge of whether it’s been worth all of that money!
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