20 Historical 'Good Guys' That Were Secretly Evil All Along
From Steve Jobs to Coco Chanel, here are 20 historical good guys who were secretly bad all along.
Published 1 year ago in Facepalm
George Washington. Alexander Graham Bell. Mother Teresa. Though we may all have our differences, we can all agree that these figures are key players in world history, altering mankind for the better ... or are they?
Despite their flattering biographies and reverence around the globe, this trio, and a whole lot of others, aren't nearly as kind as they seem, hiding secret histories of prejudice, mistreatment, and other bad-guy behavior.
From Steve Jobs to Coco Chanel, here are 20 historical good guys who were secretly bad all along.
"There are tens of thousands worse but... Obama: incredibly accomplished, bright, charismatic, graceful, cool as a cucumber, honest, and of course America’s first black president. He definitely towers over his predecessor and successor but... Didn’t shut down Guantanamo, and enforced heavy-duty spying on his population, allies and others. Terrible foreign policy (Syria, Ukraine, Libya, Afghanistan come to mind, letting down allies in North Africa, not caring one bit about Africa and Europe. Jury is still out on Iran) but also pushing for drone assassinations and accelerating the spread of drones as assassination tools. All in all much more cynical and brutal than his fan club would claim."3
"Mao Zedong. Modern communists who idealize him usually don't realize how much actual Chinese nationals despise him. He was a thoroughly stupid man who killed millions for no reason, and other communist and socialist leaders at the time (Khrushchev, Tito, Castro, etc.) thought he was a d—t. China is economically successful today in spite of him, because his policies were reversed by the people who could finally admit he was an idiot." —Hidobot5
"Julius Caesar - committed genocide over the Gauls, condemned thousands of fellow Romans to die in the Civil Wars which was largely instigated by his vanity, and banged everyone’s wife (and occasionally husband) in Rome. Yet he is seen as a hero since he won (victors write history) and a martyr because of his assassination." — CBSClash38
“Andrew Carnegie. Absolutely horrible man. Treated his workers like s—t, but he always had a scapegoat and would claim ignorance. Then, when he got old and thought he was probably going to h—, he started donating money and building public spaces so he could "buy his way into heaven." Told all his friends to do the same. But no, he was such a wonderful charitable man." — Euphoric-Hyena892615
“Mother Teresa was apparently a b—h. Over a third of her patients received inadequate care. Conditions there were likened to n—i concentration camps. She actively campaigned against the use of condoms during the aids epidemic. When she fell ill she ran away to California for care, instead of staying in one of her death traps. Here's a quote from her: ‘There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot, to suffer it like Christ's Passion. The world gains much from their suffering.’" —MaliciousPorpoise18
Steve Jobs. Not only was he incredibly mean and cruel to his coworkers and employees, he also essentially stole credit for everything that was achieved under the name "Apple". He had no particular skills that aided him in succeeding other than to take credit for others accomplishments. — 0xVali__21
“Andrew Jackson. Committed full-on genocide of Native American, but remembered as a rags-to-riches and valiant president and general. Also, Lyndon B Johnson. He dragged his feet through the civil rights movement and only signed it when it was politically beneficial to him and his party. Plus, he contributed the most to America's involvement in Vietnam” — FumingOstrich35