23 Guys React to Women Making the First Move
One debate about romance never ends. And that debate is this: how do guys really feel about women making the first move?
Published 2 years ago in Funny
One debate about romance never ends. And that debate is this: how do guys really feel about women making the first move?
To get to the bottom of this, we found what real guys from Reddit had to say. Do you agree or disagree with their thoughts? Let us know!
To get to the bottom of this, we found what real guys from Reddit had to say. Do you agree or disagree with their thoughts? Let us know!
After flirting with a woman for half an evening at a party, she came over to me, sat on my lap and whispered in my ear, "so, are we going to your place or my place tonight?" Now, I've always been blessed with a healthy amount of self-confidence; not too much to seem egotistical but just enough to be myself and be content with rejection. That moment rendered me dumbstruck.
After what seemed like a full minute, I remember looking up at her and saying, "uhhh, I have roommates. What about you?" She stared me straight in the eyes and said, "we're going to my place tonight. Let's leave soon." It was one of the sexiest, most incredible things a woman has ever said to me. Her self-confidence and decisiveness f*cking scrambled my brains in all the good ways. That was probably 15 years ago and I remember it like it was yesterday. We dated for about 6 months after that and it didn't end up working out, but I'll never forget that first night. -u/PMmeyourSchwifty16
If a woman came up to me and said "hey you're hot, you want to have sex with me?" I'd take it as just that, and if I found her attractive enough I'd say yes. Simply her asking me is +3 on the attractiveness score, and I'm not signing up for a marriage, just a bone.
I'm not even a huge fan of casual sex but women I would normally not approach, if all they're looking for is to satisfy physical needs and they approach me, I don't see the problem with saying yes. "Do but not date" is a legit category. -u/ichaleynbin18
Kind of just happened to me. Earlier in the week, I was on a date at a local park. We're finished our hike and I walk her to her car. She then asks me if there's anything we can do to keep the date going. I tell her there's a local restaurant, and as I'm telling her this a light bulb goes off in my head. I then say, "we can go back to my place." She had the cutest smile and did a little wiggle/sway and said "OK." It was a fun night. -u/Dogdaydinners23
Always great. I remember almost feeling like I was being messed with when I was younger the first couple times it happened to me. You don’t have to be a porn star about it either. Oftentimes, while we’re out doing errands or something, my wife will just say “I want you to go down on me when we get home”. It never gets old. -u/NashvilleSunn