18 Insane True Crime Stories No One Needs to Know
Carly Tennes
They may often serve as fodder for movies, TV series, and a million-and-one podcasts, but as any true crime fan (read: woman) can tell you, not all chilling tales are created equal. Enter truly horrifying happenings like the Co-Ed Killer's crimes, Karla Homolka's misdeeds, and the harrowing Sherman murders.
From gory shootouts to a murderous stepmother, here are 18 insane true crime stories that no one needs to know.
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“Charles Holden. He picked up a hitchhiker, was threatened with his screwdriver that was on the floor of his car, escaped, drove in the opposite direction of his house to make sure he wasn’t followed, returned home, only to find the same hitchhiker around his trailer and his mother, Dorothy Donovan, murdered with his screwdriver, all because the murderer randomly chose his house.” -
“The Ryan Waller story is wild. He was interrogated for allegedly killing his girlfriend while he had a bullet visibly lodged in his face. He kept telling the cops he was a victim and shot, but they didn’t believe him. Instead of getting him medical help, they kept questioning him, and the delay left him with permanent brain damage. Prime example of police negligence.” -
“Mary Vincent. She was 15 and was hitchhiking to get back home. She was picked up by Lawrence Singleton who tied her up, [sexually assaulted her], cut both of her arms off at the forearms, and threw her down a ditch off the side of the highway. Mary used mud to slow the bleeding, climbed up the ditch, and traveled 3 miles before she was picked up and given emergency care. She then went on to design her own prosthetic arms and became an artist. Truly inspiring.” -
“Josef Fritzl kidnapped and hid his daughter in the basement for 24 years while fathering 7 incestuous children with her. Allegedly Fritzl’s wife had no idea this was happening.” -
"Alison Botha. She held her own head on and her own intestines in after a brutal attack and lived.” -
“Karla Homolka is a Canadian serial killer, she and her husband tortured killed three children including her little sister. She was then released in 2005 with no supervision and is now remarried with three children.” -
“Ken Rex McElroy. Town ‘bully’ (read: thief, murderer, rapist, pedophile), constantly got away with his crimes by intimidating witnesses, victims, and law enforcement with credible violent threats as he was a large man and armed. One day, after yet again getting off light with a crime he committed and threatening her another citizen, he gets murdered in broad daylight by two separate gunshots from different guns in his car right next to his ‘wife’, in a crowd of 30+ people. To this day, not a single person has been connected to committing the killing.” -
“Oliver Town. Around 50 years ago a guy held up a bank in Kenora Ontario, he handed the bank teller a note asking for all the money. A large amount of explosives was strapped around his chest and a detonator was clenched between his teeth. He walked out the front door of the bank, where a large group of people were gathered, tripped and the explosives went off. They were never able to identify the man so they gave him the name nickname Oliver Town. All over town.” -
“Golden State Killer/EarOns is pretty insane. Literally hundreds of victims. Disappeared like a ghost. Caught hiding in plain sight 40 years later using geneological DNA. Perp was on nobody's suspect list.” -
“A pizza man in Erie, PA, Brian Wells, exploded via bomb collar. After he had a bomb placed around his neck, a Saw-like list of instructions was given. Wells completed a bank robbery, but soon after exploded in the middle of a highway.” -
“The murder of Tim McLean in Canada. The 22 year old McLean was sleeping and listen to music while on a public bus when a 40 year old Vince Li repeatedly stabbed McLean without provocation. Li continued to hack away at McLean's body to the part of severing parts of his body and eating it. Li proceeded to behead McLean's body and start taunting the other passengers with McLean's head. The worst part is, Li never got charged. Instead he was in a mental facility for quite a long time (i can't remember from the top of my head). Right now Li is walking free.” -
“North Hollywood Shootout, 1997 Two guys robbed a Bank in North Hollywood, California. They were armed with illegal machine guns, and wrapped head to toe in makeshift body armor. The LAPD responded, and a shootout ensued. The LAPD couldn’t take the guys down, because the robber’s makeshift body armor caught the bullets and buckshot from the officers handguns and shotguns. The police at one point were like ‘there is literally nothing we can do.’ Then the SWAT Team arrived. Eventually, the guys were taken down. One of the robbers committed suicide by shooting himself in the head, at the exact same time a police officer got a headshot on him. The second guy bled to death after surrendering to the police. The entire shootout lasted like 44 minutes. The only two deaths were the robbers, even though thousands of rounds were fired off during the shootout.” -
“Joseph Kallinger, hands down. He was a cobbler who believed he could solve the world’s problems with orthopedics, going so far as to ‘experiment’ on hamsters by making them wear special shoes he designed in the hopes that it would reduce their aggression. He went door to door torturing and killing random people with his 12 year old son.” -
“Edmund Kemper, [The Co-ed Killer] was convicted of killing 10 people & necrophilia between 8/27/64 - 4/20/73. He's serving life in prison at the California Medical Facility where he was denied parole in July '07, July '12. He's up for parole again in July '17. To this day he's afraid of committing the same crimes.” -
“Dennis Rader. The murders and sexual deviance are wild enough, but the fact that he was unsuspected of the crimes and outed himself after 13 years of inactivity because he needed the attention is insane.” -
“For insane one of them that comes to mind is Leticia Stauch. A lot of killers and abusers have weird fetishes and urges that cause them to do unspeakable disgusting things, but Letecia murdered her stepson Gannon seemingly for no reason? How she lied to the public, lied to the police, changed her story so many times, placing her daughter in the car with Gannon’s body without the daughter knowing, her Google searches, the interview she did for the reporter with her back turned….and the jail calls??? Putting the family through an insanity trial where she fakes DID to the therapists??. I pray I never meet anyone who’s brain is wired the way hers was bc wtf.” -
“Albert Fish was a sadist, pedophile, and admitted to cannibalizing several children. His last words before execution were, ‘I don't even know why I'm here.’” -
“[Seven] years ago, a billionaire couple was found strangled beside their swimming pool. Their family is offering $35 million to help catch their killer … In 2017, the Sherman’s, a very wealthy Toronto couple were murdered in their home. They were found hanging from a railing in their indoor pool area by a relator showing their home. Barry owned Apotex, a drug manufacturing company while Honey was a philanthropist. Although several theories have been raised from suicide to a hit, the case remains unsolved.