Never Saw It Coming: 39 Challenging Moments When Life Caught People Off Guard
When things get out of hand fast and there isn't anything you can do but hang on and ride it out.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
We all experience bad days in life, it literally happens to every single person that has ever lived. You may just be cruising alone through your day, feeling good, minding your own business, and then BAM! Out of nowhere a stroke of bad luck, or perhaps a full-blown disaster pounces on you from the shadows.
There isn't much you can do to prepare other than "expecting the unexpected" but if we're being honest not only is it impossible, it's garbage advice. So next time life flips you the bird you can at least take some comfort in knowing that you're not alone.
We all experience bad days in life, it literally happens to every single person that has ever lived. You may just be cruising alone through your day, feeling good, minding your own business, and then BAM! Out of nowhere a stroke of bad luck, or perhaps a full-blown disaster pounces on you from the shadows. There isn't much you can do to prepare other than "expecting the unexpected" but if we're being honest not only is it impossible, it's garbage advice. So next time life flips you the bird you can at least take some comfort in knowing that you're not alone.