20 People Reveal Crazy Things They Found in Their Spouse's Stuff
Good or bad, they were not expecting to find these.
Published 2 years ago in Creepy
These people were in for a shock when they found some things they were not expecting in their spouse's stuff. From sweet and wholesome, to downright creepy, these people from AskReddit sure got some big surprises.
I found a small thin rod that was attached to a plastic base when we were moving from our apartment to our house. For all the world it looked like some sort of adult toy. My wife has to take daily HGH injections and it turns out that what I thought was a toy was an agitator that was part of mixing her meds together.16
A rubber crab. My wife is freaked out by crabs. Apparently her mom has been hiding it in her stuff for years to scare her and has become a game between them of hiding it somewhere the other person will eventually find it. Occasionally I’ll be looking for something and stumble across it in a new place.