32 Facts to Put the World in a New Perspective
- Learning ain't just for nerds anymore.
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25 Funny Jokes Straight from the Internet
- Observational humor is alive and well.
20 Celebrity Children You Seldom See
- Just because you're a parent is a world-famous...
38 Pics That Might Make You Feel Old
- These are more refreshing than a Sunny D.
30 Tweets That Hit the Nail on the Head with a Joke
- These really nailed it.
15 Forgotten Video Game Consoles with One Amazing Game...
- A fine collection of oldies but goodies.
15 Reasons a VR Headset Should Be Your Next Gaming...
- Which games are worth the cost of upgrading to a VR...
45 Times People Caught the World with Its Pants Down
- You don't see that every day. (Or do you?)
28 Instant Winners to Distract from the World
- Have a laugh for free, on us.
15 Video Games Most People Don't Know Are Ripoffs
- Copying doesn't have to be a crime.
15 Upcoming Video Games That Are Sure to Disappoint
- Because 'new' doesn't always mean 'better.'
22 Funny Memes to Capture the Hell of 2021
- Things don't look that different.
32 Bits of Common Knowledge That Most People Forget
- Go ahead and learn a little.
24 Celebrities From the 90's Back in the Day vs. Now
- How time flies.
Gamers Can't Wait For Lady Dimitrescu to Kill Them
- Resident Evil fans are feeling some type of way about...
Rich People Lost Billions in GameStop Stocks and...
- Supplies of "billionaire tears" are at an all-time...
27 Bad Celebrity Portraits That Are Truly Amazing
- Ouch, that's gotta hurt.
20 Jokes with a High Degree of Accuracy
- If jokes could kill, these probably wouldn't.
38 Cool and Creative Things People Made
- The world is full of people with vivid imaginations...
16 Naughty Muncher Memes to 'Bust' Your 'Ghost'
- No judgements here, whatever floats your boat.
19 Types of People Boiled down to Their Essentials
- It's good to laugh at ourselves every now and then.
Godzilla vs Kong is Too Big to Fail
- In 20 years, Godzilla will be the size of Rhode Island...
18 Childish Tom Brady Memes for Tom Brady to Hug and...
- The greatest cheater to ever play the game.
35 Lifelike Celeb Caricatures From Twitter Picasso
- Twitter Picasso created custom drawings of people on...
43 Pics For Your Inner Nerd
- Go ahead, geek out a little.
20 Women Who Overdressed for Video Game Launches
- People will do anything to stand on a red carpet.
15 Odd Video Game Adaptations That Worked Amazingly
- Some stories just don't work as movies.
21 Random Celebrity Encounters That Left an Impression
- You never know what these people are really like.
NBA 2K14 Launch Party Pics Show B-List Celebs Lining...
- Is it just us, or do these video game release parties...
24 Crazy Coincidences That Prove the Butterfly Effect...
- The butterfly effect is very real.
25 Final Jokes at Donald Trump as Joe Biden Is Sworn In
- Thankfully, no one said "You're fired."
15 Weird Bowser Facts That No One Talks About
- Bowser is the original source of "dragon energy."
21 Hitman Memes to Celebrate the End of Agent 47's...
- Hitman 3 is now available for purchase, and for those...
15 People Who Got Banned from Twitch for the Stupidest...
- Son of a Twitch!
38 Cool Origin Stories to Everyday Sayings
- Now you know!
Tiffany Trump Got Engaged Today and Everyone Dumped on...
- Tiffany, we hardly knew ya.
'Cyberpunk 2077' Is on Sale for 50% but Gamers Are...
- This game keeps getting sadder and sadder.
43 Good Jokes to Enjoy Any Time
- Nothing tastes as good as laughter feels.
Twitter Bait Tricks People into Looking Up Bizarre...
- No, Sonic the HedgeHog fans did not almost cause a...
41 Favorite Memes from Funny People
- Everyone likes a good meme.
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