20 Creepy Things That Will Keep You Awake
- Your goosebumps will explode.
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8 Creepy Japanese Urban Legends
- I don't know how the Japanese ever sleep.
31 Facebook Wins And Fails
- More of the wins and fails you love and love to hate!
29 Smartass Responses
- These will make you shake your head.
Pictures That Prove We're All Kids At Heart
- You're never too old to have fun.
Kid Writes A Story That Would Freak Stephen King Out
- I think it's best we don't upset Lisa...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
19 Times Karma Was Instantly Served
- GIFs of people getting a taste of instant payback.
30 W.T.F. Construction Fails
- The fact that these exist is almost too much to...
22 Crazy Moments On The Subway
- Take a look at these casual weirdos!
Thanks, But No Thanks
- 20 Images that will make you say "NOPE!"
17 Embarrassing Questions Answered
- Yay Science! Now you don't have to go ask Yahoo...
14 Places That Really Exist On Our Planet
- Sometimes it's hard to decide whether humans or nature...
Puns That Are So Bad, They're Good
- 18 puns that will make you smile.
Photos That Prove You Have A Dirty Mind
- Sexual impulses are very healthy so make sure you keep...
Funny And Interesting Porn-Related Things
- Hey we've all been there...
16 Stupid But True News Stories
- The news and the people it covers needs to work on...
24 Poop-Related Facts
- Some very interesting information regarding poop.
22 Things You Didn't Know About Full House
- What ever happened to predictability? The milk man,...
12 Inventors Killed By Their Inventions
- These might be the smartest people to ever deserve a...
13 Things You Didn't Know About Saved By The Bell
- Unless you were a die-hard SBTB fan, you probably...
39 Amusing GIFs Of People Falling
- These people tried, but were only successful in...
20 Stoner Animal Realizations
- You will never look at these animals the same.
Cartoon Characters And Their Real-life Doppelgangers
- 23 people whole look like cartoon characters that have...
32 Interesting Facts To Entertain Your Brain
- More random but interesting facts to indulge your...
22 Internet Liars Put On Blast
- Why do people do this?
26 Differences Between U.S. States Visualized
- The best way to visualize differences between the...
26 Interesting Facts About Canada
- Broaden your knowledge about America's neighbors to...
21 Pictures You've Probably Never Seen Before
- Even if you have, they are definitely worth a second...
29 Comics Who Hit The Nail On The Head
- Common sense and real life explained through the words...
21 People Being Awkward On The Internet
- Lack of social skills leads to entertaining moments...
31 Funny And Fascinating GIFs
- A pre-weekend GIF dump to help hold you over.
15 Celebrities When They Were Young
- These people sure did change a lot from their days on...
Bad Parkers Get A Swift Visit From Karma
- If you're inconsiderate and park like this, you...
24 Horrible Portrait Tattoos
- There's no better way to tarnish the memory of a loved...
25 Optical Illusions
- Seeing isn't always believing.
What Its Like Living With A Woman
- 15 images that prove the struggle is real.
The Age-Old Battle Of Alcohol Vs. Marijuana
- The raging disagreement about how people should get...
27 Funny Forever Alone Moments
- Haven't we all been there?
32 Websites That Can Save You Money
- A collection of websites that can help save you a buck...
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