24 Examples of Social Justice Going Too Far
- Some people just LOVE to be offended.
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24 Facts About The Porn Industry
- These may leave you scratching your head, wondering...
13 Things That ROCKED & ROLLED ...Now Stabilized
- Sometimes GIFs just gotta STABILIZE.
Understanding The Male Logic
- 26 examples showing how the average guy's brain...
21 Random Facts You Probably Didn't Know
- Interesting and unique facts that will serve as great...
23 Things You May See In Canada
- If you ever visit our neighbors to the north, here is...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
49 Maps May Change How You View The World
- Unique world maps with a bit of amazing information.
11 Sexist Facts Women Don't Want Men To Know
- These facts are 2 things: 1) totally sexist, and 2)...
14 Bad Places For A First Date
- Your date won't know if you're being funny, or trying...
35 Awkward Pregnancy Photos
- A reminder that not all pregnancy photos are created...
Deadly Futuristic High-Tech Weapons
- Lasers that can shoot down planes to micro bugs...
The Secret Meanings Of Russian Prison Tattoos
- Tattoos indicate rank, accomplishment, prestige and...
20 Pics That Feel Good In A Weird Way
- An oddly satisfying scratch for that OCD itch.
23 Forgotten Childhood Stars From The 90s!
- Some of the forgotten cast-members of your favorite...
25 Very Strange Oddities Of Earth...
- Some will BLOW YOUR MIND!
34 Of The Best Of Videobombs
- GIFs of hilarious videobombs from sports and news...
34 Amusing Facts To Entertain Your Brain
- More random but interesting facts to indulge your...
20 Groomsmen Photos Done Right!
- Wedding photos with a touch of humor.
25 Things You Never Knew Existed
- This stuff is real, and there are people who really...
24 Who People Fell Out Of The Sky And Lived
- Incredible stories of people surviving certain death...
28 Fake Bands From TV And Movies
- Some of these fake bands are actually pretty good!
Shocking Cases Of Plastic Surgery Disasters
- When getting plastic surgery goes wrong.
19 Very Impressive Yet Useless Talents
- Some people are good at things that are of no use to...
28 Products To Make Your Workday Better
- Working 9 to 5 can be a draining let these amazing...
Fascinating Photos, Fascinating World
- 25 strange and fascinating photos from all over our...
Mex's Collection Of Creepy Gifs
- 27 Creepy gifs that are sure to keep you up at night
17 Facts May Change How You Look At Celebrities
- After you read these this, you'll definitely look at...
15 Fictional Bars We Wish We Could Visit
- Everyone, real or fictional, needs a good neighborhood...
Happy Meal Toys From The 80s and 90s
- The Happy Meal was introduced by McDonald's in 1979....
34 Amusing Facts To Entertain Your Brain
- More random but interesting facts to Indulge your...
32 Bizarre Vintage Photos
- Bizarre vintage photos from the past that are a bit...
21 Girls Who Had Too Much To Drink
- GIFs of what happens when girls get too drunk.
21 Examples Of Steampunk Done Right
- These people nailed it.
23 Things You Didn't Know You Wanted
- A collection of cool gadgets and clever inventions.
20 Confessions Of The Working Class
- Confessions from the everyday working class folk.
Artist Recreates His Childhood Drawings
- Telmo Pieper recreates 10 of his own childhood...
20 .GIFs Of Things You May Never See In Person
- GIFs of things you would not normally get to see in...
Kids Experiencing Things For The First Time
- The first time is always memorable!
30 Unlikely But Real Animal Friendships
- The circle of life ain't got nothing on these animals.
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