20 Random Nostalgic Pics from Our Nostalgia Supercomputer
Carly Tennes
The smell of VHS tape cases. The sound of a Snapple popping open. The too-cool feeling that came after "shooting" pencil lead into your hands. Of all the nostalgic sensations that spark a visceral reaction from any '80s or '90s kid, we've tracked down the 20 warmest and fuzziest of the bunch.
From movie theater marquees to Garfield photo ops, here are 20 random nostalgic pics from our nostalgic supercomputer.
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1. Poster Child
Courtesy of FrankieIsAFurby on Reddit"The Pepsi Girl.” -
2. Favorite Freebies
Courtesy of Alert-Ad-5918 on Reddit“When they use to give you discs in tech magazines or send it through the mail 90’s style.” -
3. “Soda-Licious Fruit Snacks (1992)
Courtesy of obbjuteau on Reddit“These were great on a Saturday night.” -
4. The Offspring
Courtesy of Offspring on YouTube“Pretty Fly (For a White Guy).” -
5. SportsCenter
Courtesy of oldermuscles on Reddit“Watching these two before heading off to school in the morning was one of my favorite things.” -
6. A-Maze-ing
Courtesy of robbjuteau on Reddit“3D Maze Screensaver (Windows 95).” -
7. “Taking Care of Business”
“Taking Care of Business”“An underrated gem.” -
8. Moon Shoes
Courtesy of Dangerous_Spring5030 on Reddit“Did anyone have these?” -
9. Natural Born Killers
Courtesy of omartje on Reddit“You have seen this one !” -
10. “My Cousin Vinny”
Courtesy of DiscsNotScratched on Reddit“Any fans of My Cousin Vinny?” -
11. Rambo Combat Set
Courtesy of DGsociety on Reddit“Never forget.” -
12. Return of the Jedi
Courtesy of breedknight on Reddit“Back in February 1986, we were eagerly awaiting Return of the Jedi to finally hit video store shelves.” -
13. Blocked
Courtesy of Corndogeveryday on Reddit"This is accurate!” -
14. ‘Don’t Worry, Chief!’
Courtesy of WesleyCoolDude on Reddit“Da da da da da, Inspector Gadget!” -
15. Cinematic Experience
Courtesy of IWillHoldTheCandle on Reddit“Simpler times.” -
16. Hate Mondays, Love Photos
Courtesy of aborland30 on Reddit“My dad with Garfield in the 80s.” -
17. Double Dragon
Courtesy of jwhoyt on Reddit“Found one of my first video games. Can't remember if I ever beat it. Would be fun to let my kids try it so they can see how far technology has come.” -
18. Smurf-Berry Crunch
Courtesy of robbjuteau on Reddit“I used to crush this.” -
19. Wild Horse
Courtesy of thejaysun on Reddit“Anyone remember this RC car from Radio Shack? It was called the Wild Stallion. There was a smaller version to called the wild pony.” -
20. Pee-wee’s Playhouse
Courtesy of peppermintmeow on Reddit“Guilty as charged.”