Right to the Garbage Compactor: 40 Times The Universe Took Out Its Own Trash
Moments when life seems like it is unfair or people are treating you poorly, you can take some respite in knowing that eventually, everyone gets what they deserve.
Moments when life seems like it is unfair or people are treating you poorly, you can take some respite in knowing that eventually, everyone gets what they deserve.
Brand New Jaguar Driver Believes He's Too Important To Sit In Traffic. Insta-Karma Smackdown
People Wouldn’t Stop Mudding In This Farmers Field. So The Farmer Put Up A Dirt Barrier At The Fields Entrance. Today It Caught Someone
Sometimes It Pays To Have A Dirty Car. My Son Got Rear-Ended Last Night, The Other Driver Was Aggressive And Left Without Exchanging Info
Idiot Didn’t Want To Wait In Traffic And Thought They’d Take A Shortcut And Got Stuck. Karma is swift.
This Is Venice City Hall Right After The Approval Of A Climate Change Denial Amendment
This Is What Happens When You Park In Front Of A Fire Hydrant And A Fire Breaks Out
Block An Electric Charging Station - Get Towed
Karma: Friend's Car After A Hit And Run
Arkansas Woman Rolls Her Truck Shortly After Speeding By Cyclists To Kick Up Dust
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