A big part of
bro code is keeping things a secret. Especially from women.
Nonetheless, we found some men willing to break the code and spill some secrets. Thanks to
Reddit we've collected 25 things men have always kept from women.
Having someone run their hands through your hair with your head on their lap is the best f*cking thing. -u/Malevolent_Mangoes
That your words hurt. -u/cookiesarelife22
It's hot when you can open up with a girl and she stays in your life. -u/FreezeGoDR
We don’t mind being left home alone. -u/ThatsThatCue
A compliment would literally make our whole month. -u/Danker_Dankersson
You know when you hear us peeing and it sounds like we are turning it off and on? We are just moving the stream back and forth between full volume (center of water) and mute (porcelain just above water line). -u/bxmas13
Some of you really are bad at blowjobs and we'll still tell you you're the best. -u/Intelligent-Lie-7407
Our balls can tactically retract into our bodies. -u/anima220
We generally put on a brave face and act content even when we are sad and miserable inside. -u/SuvenPan
When you tell us you want us to be more open and vulnerable with you, mean it. Nothing hurts worse than being begged to open up, but the moment we do, you panic and shut down and tell us to man up. Men need to have partners who allow them to feel safe and not judged. It makes the world of difference to know we can be vulnerable and don’t always have to be strong. -u/TheLegendofRebirth
I hate it when I get a random boner for no reason and then try to hide it. Most anxiety that I could ever experience. -u/Narachan9
When they ask what we are thinking...it really is nothing . -u/deleted
We enjoy being the little spoon. -u/GoGoGanjaArm
Men can't flex their penises without clenching their buttholes and vice versa. -u/Gold-Tailor-2303
We actually admire other guys but don’t want to say it out loud because people might think we are gay. -u/riggengan
We really don’t care about every tiny interaction you had had work but we’ll do our best to fake interest to keep you happy. -u/FrozenMrPotato
That boobs have blackhole-like attraction and it takes every bit of our strength to not stare at them. And after a quick glance, we are looking at your face, but seeing your boobs. -u/captain_arroganto
That half of the guys at clubs/pubs/restaurants don't bother to wash their hands after going to the toilet/urinal. -u/basickarl
Ladies, we're not as clueless as commercials and sitcoms would have you believe. And the more clever among us are well aware when you're being sarcastic and/or condescending. -u/Quijanoth
I can't speak for all men, but I do a better job at cleaning than my wife and secretly clean spots she missed. -u/Square_Strength6666
When we use the bathroom for an extended period of time, we aren’t pleasuring ourselves. We are watching youtube and finding comfort in being alone. -u/Alert_Bicycle2212
We All have a different “Quadrant” of the toilet bowl we aim for. -u/VillianiousOperation
We don't talk to each other about sex with our partners, like women talk to each other about sex with their partners. -u/hakz
A round of golf doesn’t usually take 8 hours. -u/Stseminole
When men ask: "Do you want my jacket?" They secretly hope you won't take it because they know it's cold. -u/Arktayt