Student Offering Reward for Prosthetic Hand After Losing It on a Night of Drinking
Peter Pizagalli
Amelia Welch must be one hell of a party girl cause during a night of drunken escapades she got so plastered that she woke up the next morning missing her right hand...
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During a long night of drinking, a lot can happen. You might lose your pants at grandma’s 80th birthday party, you might hook up with an ex. You might even forget where you put your prosthetic hand like one college student did last Friday... -
Amelia Welch must be one hell of a party girl cause during a night of drunken escapades she got so plastered that she woke up the next morning missing her right hand. “I don’t know at what point I lost it, but I didn’t have it the next day,” Amelia told The Herald. In her defense, that’s usually how it happens. No one point any fingers… She has contacted local police stations in search of it, but no luck, so she uploaded this picture in hopes of someone recognizing it... -
The 20-year-old Plymouth University student is offering a reward of about $112 (100 euros) for its safe return. When I lost my retainers, my mom flipped. Can’t imagine if I came home without my prosthetic hand. Even though Amelia says she doesn’t wear it every day, she needs it back for obvious reasons. Amelia, who was born with a congenital hand malformation, says it helps boost her confidence when she goes out... “I feel lost without it, it would mean the world to me to get it back,” she said. “It’s an aesthetic thing. There are not many things I struggle with, but the prosthetic gives me confidence and it’s really expensive.” She’s a total babe as it is, what’s a few missing fingers? “I’m worried that somebody has maybe picked it up and thinking it’s a joke and thrown it away,” she said. “It’s priceless to me, but worthless to everyone else.” So everyone help spread the word and get Amelia her hand back...
- Student Offering Reward for Prosthetic Hand After Losing It on a Night of Drinking