20 Customers Being Completely Disrespectful at...
- Like in any public space, some people are more...
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34 Entitled Folks Who Can't Understand They're Not The...
- These people need a reality check.
19 Trashy People Ruining Things for the Rest of Us
- It's time to take out the trash.
32 Entitled People Who Think the World Revolves Around...
- It's easy to tell who the single children are.
48 Entitled Tourists Behaving Badly
- This is why we can't have nice things.
28 Gross and Lazy People Who Should Be Banned From...
- Customers who make it clear by their actions they...
Entitled Boss Mocks Employee for Taking First Off Day...
- When your place of work has a 92% turnover rate, that...
'Most Entitled Person Ever!': Mother Demand Swim...
- Anyone who has ever worked as a teacher knows how...
28 Choosey Beggars Where the Entitlement Is Palpabale
- When you need something from someone, it's best to be...
22 Entitled People Who Think They're the Main Character
- Spoiler alert:
22 Typical Encounters With Karens In The Wild
- Check out these stories from folks who had to deal...
22 'Choosy Beggars' With Absolutely Ridiculous Demands
- Some people really like to press their luck.
Entitled Parents Block a Driveway, Call the Cops, and...
- As he was leaving for work he saw a van full of people...
20 Choosey Beggars To Make Your Blood Boil
- Some real entitled customers.
20 Choosey Beggars To Make Your Blood Boil
- Some real entitled customers.
14 Entitled Karens Who Want the Manager Then the CEO
- Check out this batch of entitled and demanding Karens...
23 Entitled Little Brat Kids Who Don't Deserve Anything
- Kids these days, am I right?
23 Entitled People Who Have Lost Touch With Reality
- The world has no shortage of entitled people who have...
28 Choosey Beggars Who Demand More and More
- Some of the most entitled people in the world.
Karen Gets Instant Karma after Prematurely Calling Tow...
- Karen gets hit with a heavy dose of well-deserved...
Entitled Dad Ruins Kids’ Day by Haggling over $2...
- This is just aggravating, annoying, and sh*tty...
Karen Crashes Her Mercedes and Expects Other Driver To...
- A typical day in the life of a Karen.
Entitled People Who Need A Dose of Reality
- When beggars try to be choosers.
Unhinged Client Thinks He Can Keep Video After Refund,...
- Here we have a story from the murky, confusing waters...
Neighbor Tries to Make Woman Pay Vet Bills After Their...
- First of all, the dog survived. Let's get that out of...
17 Choosy Beggars and Entitled People Who Think The...
- Some people live in a world of their own imagination.
KFC Karen Demands to Speak to Manager, Finds Out...
- Congratulations! You played yourself.
Trashy Tenant Throws Garbage into Neighbor’s Yard,...
- Karma can be the biggest b*tch if you make her mad.
Entitled Parents Leave Infant to Fend For Itself in...
- Entitled parents have entered the chat.
Entitled Client Gets a Full Refund For a Video But...
- The customer thinks he should still be able to use the...
Entitled Boomer Craving Chinese Food Gets Instant Karma
- Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Entitled Parents Pawn Their Kids off onto Grandparents...
- If you want to be a parent, that's your prerogative....
31 Things People Do that Scream 'I'm Entitled'
- People who think they are better than the rest of us.
20 Entitled People with No Grasp on Reality
- The worst of the worst.
17 Crazy Signs and Notes from Entitled Managers That...
- It's about time these managers returned from their...
30 People Who Think They Are Better Than Everybody Else
- They think the world revolves around them.
19 Entitled People Who Are Actually The Worst
- How can people be like this?
17 Crazy Dating App Demands
- And they wonder why they're single
23 Trashy People Getting Called Out Online
- They had to expose them online.
31 "Influencers" Who Just Arrived From Planet Cringe
- The cringe is almost impossible.
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