25 Choosey Beggars and Entitled People Who Are...
- You're not the main character.
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17 Dumb and Destructive Tourists Who Should Have...
- Tourists have earned their entitled reputation.
22 Cringe Pics That Belong In the Hall of Facepalm
- One man's cringe is another man's heaven.
26 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- r/whoosh is a great place to get a good laugh at...
'The Benefit of Being a Salary Employee': Company Asks...
- "It's only fair to promote you with a pay deduction..."
Long Time Employee Exploits New Management for Their...
- We've all shown up late to work, but when a boss...
Boss Demands Employees Arrive Early For 'Motivational...
- It's a pain to have a boss that's lame, it's even...
'You Don't Need Them': Manager Cuts Employees Hours...
- To all the bosses out there... it's none of your...
Employee Threatened with Write up for Refusing to Sign...
- Every job has its rules, but sometimes a boss wants to...
20 People Share the Reasons Why They Were Fired
- It sucks to get fired, you have to clean out your desk...
20 Facepalms and Fails to Help You Forget About Your...
- There's nothing better to help you forget about your...
15 Reasons ‘That One Kid’ Was Expelled From School
- We all had that one kid in school that did something...
'Owning 7 Dildos in Texas' and 24 Other Victimless...
- Some states and countries have the most ridiculous...
19 Stupid Ways People Put Themselves In the Hospital
- We all make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes put...
20 Oblivious Dudes Who Missed Not So Subtle Hints From...
- We all miss our shot once in a while, but these dudes...
20 Oblivious Dudes Who Missed Not So Subtle Hints From...
- We all miss our shot once in a while, but these dudes...
20 Examples of “They Don’t Make Them Like They...
- Things used to be much better when products were made...
20 Terrible Gifts That are Definitely Getting Re-Gifted
- Some people are horrible at giving gifts. We expect...
25 People Who Ruin Things For The Rest Of Us
- Nobody is more deplorable than these people, and it's...
20 Times Forgetfulness Got the Better of People
- We all forget things once in a while, but sometimes we...
Hot Wheels and Barney: The Mattel Cinematic Universe...
- The power that the MCU has on the entertainment...
19 of the Fastest Ways New Coworkers Were Fired
- Don't be like these people and make the stupidest...
19 Things That Were Ruined by One Person, Thanks
- It only takes that one annoying person to ruin the...
30 Tattoos That Failed.
- They shouldn't have shared these online.
28 People Who Fell For the Obvious Joke
- They don't understand satire and walked themselves...
33 Times People Got Singled Out by the Universe
- Check out this batch of people who are having a really...
When Life Throws Curveballs: 28 People's Troubled Day
- We all experience bad days and trying situations that...
30 People Who Got a 1st Class Ticket for the Fail Boat
- These folks aren't having the best day. Some of it was...
20 People Share The Things They've Done That Ruined...
- People make mistakes all the time, it's part of...
34 Unhinged TikToks that Prove It's the Worst Thing...
- If you're a glutton for punishment or just want to see...
When Life Happens: 33 Getting The Short End of the...
- When things just don't go your way, you can take some...
First Images Released of the OceanGate Submarine...
- The OceanGate Titan submarine which imploded last week...
28 Pics From the Depths of r/facepalm
- They get worse the more you scroll.
20 Inventors Who Were Taken Out By Their Own Inventions
- Over at r/AskReddit we found some of the horror...
27 Facepalm Worthy People Who Could Use Some Help
- We can only facepalm so many times before we give...
Redditors Are Spamming r/Pics With Photos of John...
- Last week around 7,000 of Reddit's biggest and most...
19 People Experiencing Fail Friday in Spectacular...
- Life comes at you fast sometimes and disaster can...
Woman Who Slept Through Michelin Star Date Claims She...
- After sleeping through a date, this woman went on...
35 Terrible Tweets That Belong in the Hall of Shame
- People are sharing the worst tweets of all time, and...
33 Unfortunate Individuals Experience The Wrath of the...
- Check out this gallery of people who are experiencing...
eBaum's Picks