28 Actors and Actresses as Historic People They Played
- History is so cool that we make movies about it....
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20 Pics That Show Actors Aging Over The Years
- 20 celebs who we can see aging over the past decades....
16 Famous Celebrities That Are U.S. Veterans
- Some well known Hollywood icons that served in the US...
12 Hollywood Movie Myths Vs Actual Reality
- You don't need to be a Mythbuster to call bullsh*t on...
26 Year-Old English Student Sells Her Virginity For...
- Jasmin has sold her virginity to the highest bidder...
20 Hollywood Celebrity Hook Ups You Didn't Even Know...
- They probably hoped to forget about it.
18 Pics of Celebrities and Their Famous Parents At The...
- Sometimes the apple doesn't fall far.
26 Hilarious Pics That Ask "Who Wore It Better?"
- It's embarrassing when you're wearing the same shirt...
Impressive Prankster Changed Hollywood Sign To Read:...
- What a better way to ring in 2017!
Unrelated Movies Described With The Same Sentence
- A list comparing two completely different movies that...
16 Drastic Hollywood Transformations
20 Movies Hollywood Should’ve Released This Summer
- Why not spice things up with a collection of movies...
10 Myths About Women That Hollywood Imposed
- Movies have their own sets of rules, however some are...
80's Celebrities Then and Now
- Miss Ringwald is still your dream girl.
19 Childhood Crushes That Aged Very Well
- They all aged like a fine wine.
Child Stars That Left Hollywood Behind
- People who became famous at a young age, but decided...
16 Interesting Movie Factoids
- Just some things you may not have known about your...
10 Awkward Sex Scenes Celebrities Should Regret...
- There's a fine line between edgy and cringeworthy.
10 Movie Laws That Are Completely Wrong
- Hollywood stretching the truth on how some things...
12 Celebrities Who Have Done Porn
- These celebs have done some less respected roles.
24 Starlets You're Still Crushing On!
- Actresses you grew wishing was your girlfriend, and...
Hollywood Celebrities Drunkified
- End of a hard party-night for these drunk celebs.
People React To Kanye Pulling A Kanye
- Kanye stormed the stage to voice his objection...
9 Most Un-PC Films in U.S. History
- These are some of the most un-p.c. films in our...
17 Male And Female Celebs Who Look Alike
- I know Hollywood is incestuous, but this is ridiculous.
34 Great Moments In Cinematography
- Some of the most memorable shots captured in films.
11 Childhood Actors Who Quit Acting
- Getting and staying famous can be a dangerous path for...
22 Celebrities Before & After Plastic Surgery
- Worth the work, or big mistake?
20 Celebs Posing With Their Younger Selves
- Hollywood celebrities paired with younger versions of...
10 Childhood Crushes Of The 80's Then And Now
- An oldy but a goody.
32 Celebrity Mug Shots
- Perhaps a couple you may not be aware of.
The Most Cursed Movies In Hollywood
- 12 films with cursed happenings and back-stories...
27 Hollywood Celebrity Incognito Fails
- Stars in stealth mode to avoid the paparazzi.
Behind The Scenes Of Classic Movies
- A "behind the scenes look" of your favorite movies.
Shocking Cases Of Plastic Surgery Disasters
- When getting plastic surgery goes wrong.
30 Hollywood Child Stars Then And Now
- Famous celebrities when they were young, compared to...
15 Celebrities And Their World Cup Doppelgangers
- "Has anyone ever said you look like...."
Before And After Hollywood Special Effects
- 20 photos of scenes before and after special effects...
16 Celebrities Wearing Other Celebrities
- You know you're really famous when a celebrity wears...
Celebrity Kids And Their Ridiculous Names
- Um... sure Frank, "Diva Muffin" is a great name... ...
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