32 People Who Never Learned How to Spell
- English...can you speak it?
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25 Pics Filled with Dumb
- The stupidity is strong with these.
Kevin Tracked Down by Loan Sharks Thanks to Tip From...
- Oh, Kevin - maybe you shouldn't have made so many...
Customer Demands Flashy Engine-Less Go-Kart For Race...
- They tried to warn him, but I guess the customer is...
Rude Cheapskate Blames Everyone But Himself For...
- Yep, it's definitely the artist's fault that you...
25 Very Dumb People Who Made Us Feel Smarter
- I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but these...
Choosing Beggar Freaks Out at Cost of a Handmade Wool...
- Beggars can't be choosers, but try telling this guy...
Woke Woman Trolled for Trying to Defund Dumb, Buff...
- A himbo is just a male bimbo.
Entitled Kevin Tries Holding Restaurant Responsible...
- For the uninitiated, Kevin is the male version of...
Costco Scammer Gets Tricked Into Canceling His...
- This genius ended up appearing so upset with Costco's...
Band Finds Brilliant Way to Troll Idiots Who Yell...
- There's one at every show.
28 Funny Photos Where Stupidity Is Front And Center
- Stuff to make you facepalm.
Idiot Boss Gets Owned by Employee's Malicious...
- "Malicious compliance" is one of my favorite ways to...
23 Infuriating Pictures of Real COVIdiots
- The Coronavirus helping us see who among us are the...
Guy Tries to Justify Not Helping Pregnant Wife,...
- He got roasted to an absolute crisp.
"Influencer" Looking for a Freebie Gets Shut Down, and...
- She expected nearly $1500 worth of free services, but...
33 "What Idiot Called It..." Tweets That Made Me...
- Better names for things that you can probably agree...
Guy Gets Cat-fished, Ends Up Marrying Woman As Old As...
- This is just one reason why you meet someone before...
Karenesque Tenant Pays $20,000 After Getting Evicted...
- A tenant got evicted and thought they could lie their...
Know-It-All "Karen" C.F.O. Uses The Wrong Calculator...
- When dismissing other people's opinions because you...
Woman Calls Out Comic Book Creators For Being...
- Someone got offended and tried to shame a comic maker...
35 Times Drivers Were Dumb AF
- People who are doing the stupidest things, you'll...
This Guy Tells Stories About His Idiotic Intern
- James will run the company someday.
Jerk Begs for Fancy Tesla for His Wedding Then...
- Dude posts on facebook about needing a car for his...
Pro-Vegan Idiot Attacks Leather iPhone Case Maker For...
- This guy, ladies and gents is a world-class moron.
Crazy Woman On Twitter Thinks She Uncovered A Wild...
- Maybe it's drugs, or maybe she was born with it?
17 Clues We Might Be Surrounded By Idiots
- There are reasons why they put up those warning signs-...
29 Pics Stuffed Full of Facepalm
- Just stupid people being stupid.
Conspiracy Theorist Plays the Feminist Card After...
- It turns out that if you defeat her with facts, your...
Woman Who Falsely Accused Police Of Rape May Faces...
- After the body cam of her arrest was released this...
Anti-Vaxer Disproves Her Own Bad Logic by Accident
- Wait, so you have evidence that is "I think so" but...
Idiot Ruins A $9k Magic The Gathering Card On Accident
- This guy had no idea what he was doing until it was...
Crazy Chick Tweaks Out When Her Date Is Postponed One...
- To make the case worse, this was just their SECOND...
Police Get Trolled After Posting The Worst Ever...
- Lincolnshire Police created this E-fit to find a guy...
Dude Claims That There Are Some "Clingy Ass Girls",...
- We all know dudes like this. What the hell is wrong...
The Internet Is In An Uproar After Mom Teaches Her Son...
- And another over exaggerated internet debate begins!
29 Hilarious “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia”...
- Some of the funniest bits from one of the best TV...
Guy's Post On Burger King's Instagram Gets Him In A...
- Caught with a side chick, or just busted in a dumb lie?
14 People Confess Why There Was No Second Date
- People explain why their date didn't get a second...
Idiot Playing Pokemon GO Destroys His Phone
- Elders warned you about the harm of Pokemon and you...
eBaum's Picks