Dude Steps In After Rude Karen Tries Stealing TP From...
- I definitely don't miss the "TP hoarding" phase we...
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Guy Defeats Karen by Using Strategic Why-olence
- Oh Karen, why are you like this?
Investment Club Karen's Hostile Takeover Gets Artfully...
- Ok, so her name was actually Pat, but her behavior is...
51 Funny Memes To Laugh And Smile At
- Laugh away your troubles in 51 funny memes.
43 Funny Memes To Add To Your Stash
- Start the week with the biggest smile on your face,...
Karen Tries to Get 'Waiter' Arrested for Assault, Gets...
- Clearly, Karen never counted on cameras recording...
Gas Station Karen Doesn't Realize She's Not at a...
- It's just a button, Karen - push it, grab your coffee,...
Woman's Husband Defends Her From Rude Karen as Only a...
- I swear I think Karens of the world just believe...
Tech Support Call Karen's Bluff and Deletes Her Website
- She did ask for it, so she only has herself to blame....
57 Funny Memes That Are Pretty Funny, Trust Me Dude
- Enjoy a fresh selection of memes to start the week...
20 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- Beggars and Karens who need a dose of reality.
Karen Makes a Scene About Being Charged One Extra Cent
- They say life is what you make of it, and some folks...
24 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- The world has no shortage of choosy beggars and Karens...
Rude Young Karen and Her Minions Get a Costly Lesson...
- I have a feeling it'll be a while before they try a...
Karen Asks to Speak to Manager, Gets Answered by...
- What is it with all these Karens and wanting to speak...
Girl Finds Brilliant Way to Deal With Lakeside Karen
- Not today, Karen! Not today!
The Tale of Karen and Kevin, Who Ruined Their Lives...
- Some people just don't learn.
22 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- The world is full of people who no matter what, always...
Entitled Karen Demands People Stop Baking Bread
- The Karens are evolving, and they're coming after your...
Dude's Encounter With Cookie-Aisle Karen Turns...
- When a wild Karen suddenly appeared during this dude's...
26 Entitled Karens Who Need to Get a Grip
- The world is full of people with delusions of grandeur...
15 People Who Know a "Karen" Personally, Explain What...
- Sure we all like to poke fun at the super entitled and...
22 Super Entitled Karens Who are Experts in Being...
- They need to be snapped back into reality.
Entitled Woman Demands Friend Buy Her Daughter More...
- Regular air pods just wont do for her daughter.
Thirty-Four Dogs as People We Can Definitely Relate To
- They say dogs and their owners start looking like each...
Horrible 'Karen' Demands Free Food For Absolutely No...
- WTF was you thinking,
22 Entitled Karens and Choosy Beggars That Annoy Us All
- Contrary to popular belief, the world does NOT revolve...
17 Karen Memes that are a Manager's Worst Nightmare
- Memes about those people who go above and beyond to...
Entitled Karen Crashes Her Mercedes and Wants the...
- There's a reason why it's the law almost everywhere to...
Tropical Storm Karen Memes Are A Managers Worst...
- If you thought Karen was a pain in the a** before, oh...
Needy Woman's Excessive Requests Get Shot Down by...
- If you have ever worked in the food industry, service...
Know-It-All "Karen" C.F.O. Uses The Wrong Calculator...
- When dismissing other people's opinions because you...
Impatient Woman Pays the Price for Yelling at a Man...
- This parking lot pest went off a guy who parked too...
23 Hilarious Karen Memes To Share With All The Karens...
- We all know at least one person who fits the...
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