The Inside Scoop: 27 Restaurant Secrets Revealed by Industry Insiders
A list of "secrets" shared by current and former employees of restaurants that may make you think about eating out differently.
Published 1 year ago in Eww
Going out to eat can be an enjoyable experience and a nice break from having to cook and clean up the mess after eating at home. However, it does come with its own set of less-than-desirable circumstances. Check out this list of "secrets" shared by current and former employees of restaurants that may make you think about eating out differently.
Going out to eat can be an enjoyable experience and a nice break from having to cook and clean up the mess after eating at home. However, it does come with its own set of less-than-desirable circumstances. Check out this list of "secrets" shared by current and former employees of restaurants that may make you think about eating out differently.5
Ice machines are RARELY cleaned out. Like almost NEVER. Bugs, dirt, food particles, whatever. At two previous restaurant jobs, I felt bad that customers were getting gross ice (both places had a single machine) and mentioned it to my managers at the time. They both brushed it off as having better things to do with my time, so I used to "accidentally" kick the plug out of the wall in the evenings, come in the next day, and find a half-melted ice machine.
I was stuck cleaning it, but it was worth it since I felt better about the ice being served. We had to use ice from the store down the street for the rest of the day, but it wasn't like it cost the restaurants much money. One bartender told me he would "accidentally" drop/break a glass into an ice machine to serve the same purpose if the management wasn't being cool about it. Broken glass = scoop out and dump all the ice, and might as well clean the thing since it's empty.8
Maybe not a "secret secret" but just not something people realized.At Wendy's, the cooked burgers that don't get sold, those go into a pot in a refrigerator, and they get made into TOMORROW's chili.The crispy chicken that doesn't get sold today? Those go into a pot in the fridge and those get made into TOMORROW's crispy chicken salads.Back when Wendy's had a salad bar ... the burger buns that are going stale at the end of a day? Those got made into tomorrow's garlic bread on the salad bar.None of this is unsafe, all of this is approved by the department of health, and none of this is a trade secret ... but I bet you didn't realize that.10
Ex Starbucks barista.- All the pastries come frozen and we defrost them. We think they're overpriced too, don't complain about the price, if it's too expensive for you then Starbucks is not the place for you. Everything is overpriced here, DD is cheaper and even cheaper is just going to the grocery store-Lots of syrups are made with milk and/or honey so they're not vegan; this is problematic for customers who pay extra for soy milk because they want to avoid animal products-Cleanliness and freshness really depends on the individual location.
I worked at a 24/7 location with some of the highest traffic in the US (comparable to Times Square Starbucks) and I assure you that hardly anything was properly sanitized and things were not always fresh. We tried but it's very hard to keep up with cleaning and such when you have 50 customers in line and people yelling at you wondering where their drink is-If you're rude, and chances are you might get decaf shots. Cause f**k you. Or if you're rude and you order a skinny drink someone might use real syrup (may it go straight to your a*s, b***h!)
But no one would ever do anything other than this pettiness, it would be super f****d up to actually ruin someone's drink or make it gross-If it's rush hour and you ask for a complicated drink, we hate you-We're supposed to regularly check, and log the temperatures of the milk carafes that are available for customers to use but we get so busy that the milk usually has been sitting out for hours, rising above safe temperatures.
The ice machines are probably nasty. I don't think we ever cleaned ours in my 2 years there-Iced coffees and iced teas are automatically sweetened using "simple syrup." You can switch to another syrup free of charge or ask for fewer pumps of syrup if you prefer it unsweetened. We are supposed to sanitize the foaming nozzle between drinks; the container holding the sanitizing agent gets super nasty very quickly from all the milk but it doesn't get switched often-During rush hour, baristas often leave the milk jugs out rather than return it to the fridge between use because you're pouring milk literally every 30 seconds. Unfortunately, this means the milk temperature rises above safe levels and bacterial growth duplicates-Please don't order a special "secret menu" drink. There is no secret f*****g menu.
Tell us what strips you want in it and we can make it but if you just tell us a ridiculous name (snickers crunch frappuccino!) chances are we have no clue how to make that and we probably will make it up. It probably will end up tasting fine anyways.. Unless you're used to having it made one way and suddenly someone makes it up using different ingredients-When you approach the cashier, put down your phone and know what you want to order. Be polite, not rude! It's crazy how many times people come up and are like "hold on, I'm getting a drink for my friend, let me call her real quick." Um no.13
Health inspection is really kind of a sham. Health inspectors tend to inspect all the restaurants in an area around the same time. When the inspector shows up at one restaurant the manager will typically notify the other restaurants in the area.
I worked at Taco Bell. When we got a call from the BK down the street that the health inspector was there, we knew he would be showing up at our place sometime in the next week. We would call in extra people to do a deep cleaning of everything. It did not matter that most of the year every time we hosed out under the fryer or food prep lines, we drowned hundreds of roaches. When the health inspector showed up everything was clean, so we still had a 100% on our health inspection.14
I work at Taco Bell, and you DO NOT want to see how the meat comes into the store. The meat we use for the tacos and other things of the sort comes in big plastic bags labeled "Suitable for human consumption". They smell absolutely awful until we put the seasonings in. Yeah, don't go to Taco Bell.15
Not gonna say which chain but the one i used to work at was very clean and well managed. The only real secret we had was...well... Nobody was drinking the sodas they thought they were. We didn't use regular syrup in the fountain machines. If you ordered a coke, you got "panda cola". If you ordered a 7-up you got "panda lime-up".Sorry...18
Most of our desserts are purchased from the Wal-Mart directly across the street then marked up 500%. For the price of a couple of pieces of cheesecake, you could just go across the street to Wal-Mart after your meal and buy a whole one.We just drizzle a bit of chocolate or raspberry sauce on it so that it doesn't look exactly like the one from Wal-Mart.Also, a smoker outside the building doesn't mean your barbecue is fresh. Most of it is frozen. Sometimes we just throw logs on there so it looks and smells like we're barbecuing. Homey, we made that two days ago. That's just wood you're smelling.26
I'm not fast food, but I work at an Outback, and none of the servers practice anything like proper sanitation with the bread coming from the bread oven. No one has time to wash hands and use tongs and everything when grabbing bread, often even if you were just offloading dirty dishes at the dish pit. And speaking of dishes, our dishwasher only works properly maybe 1/3 of the time, so the dishes you're eating on?
Those were probably run-through dishes, came out still dirty, and were just wiped down with the same towel we've been using all night. Then there's the ice machine. The last time I saw it properly cleaned was well over a year ago when we found a serious black mold infestation in it, and I had to scrub it out by hand, with basically just hot water and a weak sanitizer.27
I worked at a starbucks where they allowed a full on roach infestation.More on the DM and Managers then Corporate but it really got to a point where Seattle must have known.They were everywhere.The pastry case, in the storage, around the dry powders but the worst was a saw one (and just to make this clear, this 100% happened) crawl out of the espresso spout in the machines.As employees, we were on the front line trying to defend our location even though a huge majority thought it was disturbing.Eventually, one of our regulars put in a complaint at the health department.It was about the time I put in my 2 weeks notice and my manager blamed me specifically for it.I honestly didnt care.Starbucks is a hilariously simple job with the hardest task consisting of lifting 10 lbs and the most complex task being holding a milk pitcher at an angle to create foam for milk.28
I worked for Edible Arrangements for 2 years and worked every position there. Delivery driver in a pinch, chocolate dipper, fruit skewer-er, arranging arrangements, dealing with costumers.. ofter all of those positions on the same day since there was only two people working at my store at one time (excluding driver) and my manager only trained me to do everything because he was too lazy most days to do it.We often get mushy/moldy strawberries from our distributers. If it's just a little bloop of mold (strawberry still looks big and red otherwise) we'll dip it in chocolate and hide the mold. When they are starting to secrete red goo, that's actually when they're the sweetest. But most people think that since they aren't pretty that they taste bad. So we blot the liquid off and dip it in chocolate. Just short of a pure mold shapeless blob, it's used. Also, they're **never** washed. As in ever.Pineapples are fresh and chopped every day but unfortunately not all pineapples are sweet because we all know that b******t can't be controlled. Even if it's sour/tart, we will use it and just hope no customer calls and complains. Same thing with honeydew and cantaloupe.If you want a replacement, we will happily oblige as long as you have not eaten the entire damned thing. If there's not 98% of the fruit still there, you will not receive it because clearly it wasn't *that* bad. Call as soon as you find out. Not a week later. Not even a day later. The sooner, the more likely we can replace it. Same thing if you just want a refund for the sender. There must be a 98% remainder.Apples are 98% fresh and good. But a lot of the time they're bruised and we hide it with chocolate.Bananas are bought from the food market next door. They can be practically black (the inside) or peel completely green and we'll use them if we have no other option.Grapes will often times be moldy. We just put it under a high pressure hose and knock it off.The chocolate isn't gourmet. It's Hershey's. Yes, it's cheaper to make it yourself. You're paying for the pale and someone else to do it for you.Yes, we fully understand that the prices are outrageous and can't believe people pay it. But I personally also find a weird pride/joy to see how high I could get someone to go. I could sell a condom to a nun. (Highest average sales for almost a year straight). Please understand that deliveries AREN'T TIMED. We have more than one costumer a day for deliveries and you're not special. If you want it by a certain time, **. No. the driver will *not* sit there for 15 minutes waiting for you to come home. You knew we were coming today. So if you have to leave, put a cooler out and in the shade with a note of the door. The driver does NOT want to working at 7pm still because you think you're so special that we should be waiting for you specifically.Please do not have your kid try and sign our clipboard or make an order in the store. I 100% understand that you want your kid to be better at stranger interaction/ordering. But I'm not the person to do that to. I get you think it's adorable to try and force your child to sign our clipboard, especially if the bouquet is for them, but it's not as cute as you think. And when it takes you 2+ minutes to wrestle your child into sort of making a signature; we don't think that's cute. We see it as a time eater. We have 15+ other deliveries in a 100mi radius of the store. Usually none of them near each other. So when each person thinks they're kid is special and is "only" going to take extra time, it adds up. Time I could be making to a toilet.Lastly, we call the day before or morning of to tell you the delivery is going out. It *only* goes out if you, the receiver, OKs it. So you know it's coming between 12-5. PLEASE tell them if you live up a large hill that isn't plowed (a big problem in my area). Our truck CANNOT make it. Also, if it's for a time sensitive delivery; tell us. We will try but under no circumstances will we garuntee it. We will try our best and if we simply cannot, we will tell you. Please do not stomp your foot like a child. Sorry the world doesn't revolve around you.30
Don't eat the mayo!Ask for it fresh!A hair in your food is probably not from the head!The hand washing signs displayed are to make the public feel safe, the workers don't actually wash their hands as much as they should.If something other than the original ingredients falls into the food 99% will not notice, no reason to waste food ($) because somebody "Might" complain. A complaint only leads to half of the food wasted.I still eat fast food.32
I used to work at Wendy's, and the chilli is the worst. It's saved for up to two days, made with ground up patties, microwaved for 7 minutes, and sometimes the patties used are the ones left over from the day before. Which then get ground up and microwaved. I want to vomit just thinking about it.