The most dangerous toys of all time
Nathan Johnson
things that injured and even killed kids
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Cabbage Patch Dolls were mostly harmless, except for the ones that tried to devour children. The Cabbage Patch Snacktime Kids toy featured a motorized mouth that could swallow plastic fake foods. Of course, it wasnt long before kids stuck other things in the mouth like their hair. The doll continued pulling on whatever is in its mouth and there terrifyingly wasnt an onoff switch, which lead to one girl losing almost all the hair on the back of her head! -
The Austin Magic Pistol is a perfect example of how toy safety has changed over the years. A literal hand-cannon somehow made it to store shelves and was sold to kids in the late 1940s. This toy included a supply of calcium carbide, which explodes when mixed with water. It fired ping pong balls out of the gun at high speeds, but it created a dangerous fireball in the process! -
The Magnetix series of toys were actually a cool series of building toys that snapped together using magnets. The problem is that the magnets contained in the pastic connector pieces could easily fall out. Children could easily swallow these tiny magnets that actually snapped together in the middle of their intestines! Many young kids were injured and one even died. -
These days, people freak out about the radiation they get from their cell phones. In the 1950s, people let their kids play with uranium. The Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab included four different atomic ore samples and had an order form to get more. This kit is definitely cool, but undeniably dangerous for kids! -
Youd think that a company would make sure its product is non-toxic when its marketed for kids. For whatever reason Spin Master skipped that phase of testing when they made Aqua Dots. This fun crafting idea used small beads that would stick together when sprayed with water. The problem is that the beads contained a highly toxic chemical that was used as a date rape drug! -
The Easy-Bake Oven is an obviously dangerous toy, but its also one of the most popular of all time. This classic toy has undergone around a dozen re-designs through the years, but every one of them put kids at risk of burns. The 2006 model was probably the most dangerous one, as it directly resulted in 77 children severely burning their fingers! -
Youd probably think that a radio controlled airplane would be dangerous because it could hit someone, but thats not why Sky Rangers Park Flyer Radio Control Airplanes make this list. These planes tend to explode! Nearly 50 injury reports were recieved mentioning results like hearing loss, minor burns, and eye injuries. -
Colossal Water Balls were a toy that expanded to many times its original size when exposed to water, and it grew even larger if exposed to the included growth powder. They were sold by Be Amazing Toys and were recalled in 2013 because the marble-like toys look like candy. If swallowed, the ball would expand and plug up the digestive system. Its extremely dangerous because it doesnt appear on x-rays and requires surgery to remove! -
Jarts might be the most infamous toy in history. These large lawn darts were heavy and sharp, which obviously lead to a huge number of injuries. This toy caused 6,700 injuries and 4 deaths before finally being banned in 1988. The modern variant of Jarts uses a heavy dull plastic tip. -
The Wego Kite Tube sounds like a ton of fun until youre suddenly plummeting down to your doom. This massive inflatable tube was pulled from behind a boat to catch the wind and fly through the air. It worked really well in fact, too well. If the boater went too fast or it was a windy day, the tube could sail up to 30 feet in the air! Two deaths and numerous injuries were reported. -
Sky Dancers were a line of toy dolls that could be launched into the air with a special device. However, these dolls tended to fly right into the faces of unsuspecting children. There were around 150 reported injuries, and likely many more unreported, which lead to a massive recall. -
Power Wheels have always been an injury-prone toy, but the Fisher-Price Power Wheels Motorcycle had a defect that caused serious injuries. The accelerator pedal would often get stuck and send kids flying into walls at high speeds. It was taken of the market and recalled. -
e toy responsible for more injuries than any other is one that most families have in their back yards. Trampoline accidents cause an estimated 100,000 injuries every year! The addition of safety nets in the past decade has only reduced injuries by about 20.