The Strangest Mythical Creatures Ever Dreamed Up
fictional legends come from Greek, Roman and Norse mythology and are some of the most bizarre beings ever conceived.
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CentaurKnown in legends for being wild and lusty drinkers prone to violence while intoxicated this is a far shot from anything youll find in Harry Potter or CS Lewis books. -
Mermaid Sometimes benevolent and sometimes malicious, mermaids have a sort of bipolar reputation. -
Harpy When Zeus got mad at Phineus, he banned him to an island that had two things a tasty buffet and a whole flock of harpies that kept eating the food before he could taste it. -
Cerberus The multi-headed canine guard of the underworld makes sure that no soul escapes. -
Pheonix This long-lived bird is cyclically born from the ashes of its predecessor. -
Satyr Known for playing the flute, these half goat, half man creatures are known for being mischievous in both Roman and Greek legends. -
MinotaurHalf man, half bull he lived in the Cretan Labyrinth until he was slain by the Athenian hero Perseus. -
Cyclops A member of a race of primordial giants that had a large, single eye in the middle of their foreheads. -
Banshee In the folklore of the British Isles, the banshee is seen as an omen of death who starts wailing whenever someone is about to die. -
Gremlin Starting in the 1920s with Royal Air Force pilots, legend has it that gremlins like to sabotage airplanes. -
Hellhound A supernatural dog that usually has black fur, glowing eyes, a foul stench, and superior strength. -
Titans The earliest Greek gods, they were eventually overthrown by Zeus and the Olympians in a huge battle known as the titanomachy. -
Krampus A mythical alpine creature that supposedly captures naughty children in his sack and carries them off to his lair. -
PegasusA winged horse from Greek mythology, it is said that when Poseidon cut of Medusas head, the pegasus flew out. -
BasiliskSometimes more of a rooster and sometimes more of a snake, regardless of how it has been portrayed one thing has always been certain its purely evil and one look from it can kill you. -
Troll Coming from Nordic legend, trolls are not known to be especially intelligent. They are often associated with clubs and the only way to kill one is to burn it. -
Icthyocentaur Its basically the aquatic version of a centaur as it has the tail of a dolphin. -
Hippogriff Remember the griffin? Well this is what happens when you cross the griffin with a horse. The body of a winged horse with the head of an eagle. -
Chimera Coming from Greek mythology, the chimera has the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a dragon. Sometimes it has the wings of an eagle too. -
Hydra A many headed serpentine creature it can have anywhere between 5 and one hundred heads. If you cut a head off it will just grow back. -
Kraken A huge many armed creature, it would wrap its arms around ships and capsize them leaving the sailors to either drown or be eaten. -
Gorgon This refers to one of three sisters who had living, venomous snakes for hair, the most famous of which was probably Medusa. -
DoppelgangerThe paranormal double of a living person, its not a good thing if you spot your doppelgangers, its not a good thing at all.