Some parents will never understand. Not sure how to fix that darn computer machine? Well, that's what kids are for. We can relate to both sides since we did grow up with emerging technology, and have experienced the new tech slowly leaving us behind. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.
Oh, and by the way if you need help but don't have children, check out these tech tips.
“Please stop changing the Google logo so much.”
"That’s what cyber science is all about."
“My mom accidentally printed her divorce papers on stickers.”
“This is how my Auntie blocks ads from her computer screen...”
“My dad used the sticker to cover up a notification on his phone he couldn’t get rid of.”
“My dad called me last night saying that he thinks he has a virus on his laptop because some kind of flower showed up on his screen. Today he sent me this picture.”
“Just found out why my mom’s laptop wasn’t charging.”
“My mom using a magnifying glass to see my phone better. Love her to death but she’s not the best with technology.”
“My mom and technology”
“Mom asked why the computer was so slow. She has ELEVEN tool-bars.”
“My mom did something with her text messages to make dots appear on them and could not figure out how to get rid of them. I guess I didn’t figure it out for her fast enough... she went all the way to Apple Support at the mall.”
“My mom found a blurb in the newspaper about an app she was interested in and wanted to remember. Instead of taking a picture of it, she cut it out and taped it to the back of her phone.”
“Today my mom asked me to see if her 30-year-old Mac worked.”
“How my mom sets reminders on her phone”
“My dad and I (jokingly) told my mom we would leave the Apple store only after she had taken a ‘selfie’ on every single device.”
“I saw my mom’s phone and investigated. Informed her that she used the screen protector’s throwaway film instead of the actual screen protector. She literally used trash as a screen protector.”
“Mom charges her phone in a cake pan because she heard they “blow up.”
“My dad refuses to use a GPS and tapes over the car’s computer screen.”
“My dad doesn’t know how to zoom in on his iPhone. This is how he reads his texts and emails.”