Things From the 60s To Bring You Back
Here are some products from the '60s. We may still have them today, but they look (and probably taste) so different back then. What's your...
By Ohlord
Published 6 years ago in Wow
Here are some products from the '60s. We may still have them today, but they look (and probably taste) so different back then. What's your favorite?
I wonder how these didn't ruin your toaster oven!? Sounds great in theory, but wouldn't it make an ooey gooey mess?
Was it not a little weird that someone make a commercial about squeezing TP?
Everyone had the same luggage.
I remember these in the '80s, they were so good.
They didn't need seatbelts in those days because the cars were tanks and people actually knew how to drive.
Who remembers the Nabisco pretzel man character?
Who else just ate the top two layers?!
The packaging looks different but I'll bet this is one of the few products that taste exactly the same
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