25 Things We’re Living In the "Golden Age" Of
It's easy to feel like we missed out on the golden age. Those good old days of yesteryear in which everything from college to housing was super...
Published 2 years ago in Ftw
It's easy to feel like we missed out on the golden age. Those good old days of yesteryear in which everything from college to housing was super affordable.
However, we are in the golden age for several weird things. Don't believe it? Just check out this list!
However, we are in the golden age for several weird things. Don't believe it? Just check out this list!
Photography. Now almost everyone has a camera, usually in their phone. And they are so simple to use it's easy to take decent photos. It used to be a camera was a dedicated device you had to learn how to use properly and have the film developed by someone, or yourself if you had a darkroom and knowledge.
And the photos you could take were limited by the film roll. Use up a 36 exposure roll? You'll have to stop and put in a new roll. Using ISO 200 film, but you want to take low-light photos? You'll have to stop, remove the 200 roll, and put in an ISO 400 (or higher) roll.-u/Chrome_Armadillo3
Disabled person here. We live in a golden age of accessibility tools based on technological advancements. Just take the car industry as an example. The amount of aftermarket accessibility accessories that were invented in the past 10 years alone have made driving accessible to many people with disabilities.-u/Cristal13374
I was just thinking the other day: Juice. My mom LOVED juice but she passed away in '00 and when I realized I had a full OJ-sized jug of straight-up Watermelon Juice in my fridge, I got sad that she missed out on even the POM craze and just really a bunch of super tasty juice from fruits that she may not have even knew existed like açai and sh*t.-u/Hambulance8
PALEONTOLOGY. The things we know now about the prehistoric world are mind-blowing. More and more is being worked out about the looks and behavior of dinosaurs and all their fellow extinct organisms. Compared to what was happening when I was a kid we’ve moved on in leaps and bounds.If you haven’t yet, check out Sir David and the BBC’s Prehistoric World. Awesome.Oops. Prehistoric Planet, not Prehistoric World.-u/cold-hard-steel15
A**. The 90s/00s everyone was trying to have small asses. The phrase "does my bum look big in this?" was so common it was a cliche. Now it's the reverse. Plus yoga pants are considered normal fashion. Bikini bottoms have gotten way smaller and are worn way higher. It truly is the golden age.-u/privatetudor17
Combustion Engines. They are at their most efficient brought on by the push towards hybrids and electric, and the rising cost of fuel. Factory delivered 4 cylinders, 2-liter engines are over 400 horsepower now. With a warranty. And they still do 40mpg! So I think we're in the golden age of the combustion engine, which will be slow and drawn out, giving way to the new age of electronic, hybrid, and perhaps even hydrogen, powered vehicles.-u/Spazloy20
The golden age of misinformation and sensory overload. Never before had humans had to deal with so much information thrown at them. Every time you put effort into discrediting an information piece as a fake, 10x the amount gets thrown at you again before you finished. No matter how much effort you put into sorting truth from fake, you will never keep up until at some point you either give up and accept information as is or withdraw from letting information reach you.-u/TonkatsuRa22
Astronomy. We happen to exist for a brief moment in cosmological time where we can actually see other galaxies, and get a sense of the huge scale of the universe. Eventually, in the far future, space will be expanding too fast for the light of distant galaxies or the afterglow of the big bang to reach us.-u/Arc12523
Marijuana. It's becoming more and more legal so more people are experimenting with it and creating all sorts of insane potent strains and concentrates. The weed industry brings in so much money it's ridiculous. New discoveries are being made, new medicines are being created from it, and you don't even have to smoke it anymore.
You can eat, drink, or vape it. People are not losing their freedom as much over it and it's becoming less of a social stigma. One problem I do see is how ridiculous the potency is with the new-age THC products and not everyone can handle 80-90%+ THC. Sometimes it feels like a borderline psychedelic. I remember having this one particular strain of weed that got me so high that I felt like I did a bump of ketamine.-u/SirGanjaSpliffington25
Guitar gear. It’s better and more affordable than it’s ever been. You can find amazing guitars for $500. There are more pedals than you can shake a stick at, and they make every sound you can imagine. If you have ever wanted to play guitar, now is the time. Not surprisingly, many people picked up guitar during lockdown and it’s having a bit of a resurgence.-u/_Bucket_Of_Truth_