Woman Finds Creepy Apartment In Hole Behind Mirror.
Nathan Johnson
She wasn't expecting this.
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Samantha Hartsoe had grown suspicious of why her NY apartment is always so cold, so she set out on a journey to investigate what’s up -
26-year-old Samantha’s videos blew up all over social media in the past day, as her 4-part investigative saga captured the imagination of many. People likened the apartment behind the mirror to horror movies like Parasite and Candyman, while others said they would have never had the guts to go into that hole. -
So she realized the cold wind was blowing from the direction of the mirror -
Samantha would have never found the hole in the wall, if not for the cold weather in her apartment. “It was weird, because I don’t have a vent that I know of in there that blows cold air,” she explained to the press. -
Samantha took down the mirror and saw something she totally didn’t see coming -
It’s the mysterious hole! -
That’s when her eyes fell on a draft from the mirror hanging over the bathroom sink. At that point, she noticed that the mirror was not quite connected to the wall and the cold air beneath it felt suspect. So she lifted the mirror only to discover there was no wall beneath it, but a dark hole gaping in the wall, and the air was coming straight from it. -
So Samantha decided it would be best to investigate the weird finding further -
She then climbed through the hole onto the other side of the wall to see what’s up there -
And while you’d expect it to be a niche with a wall somewhere further inside, there was no such a thing. Samantha soon realized there’s an entire empty space the size of a room that she felt an urge to investigate. The suspicions turned out to be true, but it wasn’t just a sole room she had found; it was, in fact, an entire apartment with some “signs of life” just casually sitting there in the middle of New York. -
But it turns out, according to Samantha herself, even her building’s management doesn’t quite know what is going on with that odd vacant unit that could easily fit an entire family. And once she was there on the other side, things got pretty serious. Talking to Curbed, she remembered thinking: “I have to find my way out of here,” and added: “I have to go back through that hole, which is pretty much impossible, or I have to find the exit of this place, which means I have to, at this point, explore it all.” -
And… signs of life detected! -
It turns out, there’s a whole other apartment there -
As she looked around the place, it became clear: it’s not a niche, not even a room, it’s a three-bedroom apartment with its windows open, which, as it became obvious, was a source of a cold draft. -
It’s not entirely clear what’s the purpose of the apartment, but Samantha believes it’s probably uninhabitable. “I’m not sure if it was being renovated or if it is empty. It’s really old, and nobody’s been in there a while. The shower-bathroom area is all piping—there’s no actual bathtub or toilet. The floor, and what I think would be the kitchen, was ripped up.” -
So her landlord’s phone is about to get a fun call