25 Things That Will Take You on a Feel Trip
- All aboard the melancholy train. We're going to...
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Woman's Hilarious Answer On Family Feud
- Name something a doctor might pull out of a person...
Genius NEW Microwave Invention
- A genius idea to make a waaaaay better microwave!
Reckless Idiot Spotted Driving In Town
- This idiot is driving, on his phone, and on a laptop...
16 Of Your Dad's Hottest Childhood Crushes
- It's hard to admit, but even your dad had adolescent...
20 Crazy Things People Have Tried To Carry On Planes
- Some people just don't have any common sense.
17 People With Very Awkward Hover Hands
- Some people just aren't quite sure what to do with...
Man Who Walks 21 Miles To Work Gets An Amazing Gift
- James Robertson was given a brand new car, as well as...
13 Pet Peeves That Destroy You From Within
- The most horrific pet peeves that get under your skin.
16 Times When Reality Fell Short
- Sometimes your expectations exceed how a situation...
18 Bachelor Life Hacks
- Dinner for one? Time to crack open some bachelor hacks.
24 Photos With Incredible Stories To Tell
- A collection of pictures that have interesting stories...
Russian Badass Sets Himself On Fire And Jumps Off...
- A man sets himself on fire, jumps off a building, then...
24 Pics That are Better With a Dirty Mind
- The world is truly a wonderful place if you see sex...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
7 Mind-Shattering Facts About Time
- Time literally makes no sense.
13 Celebs Who Took "The Walk Of Shame"
- The walks of shame taken by celebrities have been...
Evolution On Earth In 60 Seconds
- Long story short, we're pretty new around here.
17 People Who'll Make You Hate Humanity
- Stupid people are getting way too much air time
34 Interesting Facts To Entertain Your Brain
- More random but interesting facts to Indulge your...
14 WTF Aquatic Creatures
- Scary aquatic animals that will give you goosebumps.
Beware Of The Boob Grabber!
- Proof that perverts come in all shapes and sizes.
Guy Photoshops Himself With Celebrities
- He edits himself into pictures doing hilarious poses...
Sometimes You Just Have To Wait For It...
- Don't be hasty in your decisions... Not all surprises...
Someone Didn't Think This Through...
- 27 things that should have had more a little more...
Security Guard Pepper Sprays 2 Year Old Child And...
- An outraged father confronts a security guard.
Awesome LED Costume On Moscow Subway
- I wonder how many seizures this outfit has caused...
33 Things That Are Hard To Argue With
- Funny little things about life that are difficult to...
Adorable And Unusual Animal Friendships
- An Android commercial titled "Friends Furever" is...
Russia's Finest Mechanic At Work
- This guy clearly has no idea what he's doing.
Referee In Real Life Prank Ends In Arrest
- Tom Mabe is at it again, this time calling penalties...
15 Pick-up Lines That Are Too Clever
- Pick up lines get real old, real fast. It's time to...
Reporter Handles Troll Like A Boss
- A drunk guy trying to video-bomb a live segment gets...
1-Star Reviews of "50 Shades of Grey"
- Honest reviews from people less than impressed with...
Mila Kunis Talks About Having Big Boobs
- Mila Kunis tells Conan she's not sure how to deal with...
Dirty Life Lessons We Learned From Disney
- Looks like Disney Movies were a lot dirtier that we...
Throwback Thursday - Saved By The Bell
- Jimmy reminisces about his time at Bayside High with...
The Deadliest Soldier Ever In A Video Game
- He is so badass he kills the enemy without even trying.
The Ultimate Way To Embarrass Your Friend At Airport...
- This man's bag is searched because of a suspicious...
21 Hilarious Reasons Couples Broke Up
- Shallow yet hilarious reasons why some couples just...
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