Hawk Attacks Water Balloon In Slo-Mo
- A Goshawk attacks water balloon with his deadly talons.
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Punch Out Fight Theme A Capella Cover
- A-cappella cover of the fight theme from Mike Tyson's...
Just A Simple Wave And A Smile
- Students have a nice surprise for the woman who...
Music In Nature: Birds On A Wire
- Jarbas Agnelli turned a photo of birds on a wire into...
Jeff Goldblum Jurassic Park Laugh Remix
- Your WTF video of the day.
Spoiled Brat Gets Owned By Judge
- Teenager's request for immediate financial assistance...
Our Weird World
- 17 odd stories, fascinating people, cool places, and...
Feeding A Crocodile Like A Dog
- How long until this guy gets his Darwin Award?
Little Girl Leads The Choir
- It seems that this adorable little girl was born to be...
A Spontaneous Tribute To WWII Veteran
- A 95 year old veteran came to cheer, but found himself...
Wednesday Morning Nostalgia Trip
- Revist your youth with a trip down memory lane.
Massive Hit In High School Hockey Game
- A hockey player learns a lesson the hard way in always...
35 Hilariously Bad Book Titles & Covers
- Just because they're terrible doesn't mean I don't...
Fight On Chinese Airplane Over Teletubbies
- A couple is prepared to fight for Po's honor!
Study Confirms Everyone Knows You're High
- It goes on to say that you will also be stoned forever.
Wifi And Hotspot Humor
- Funny and clever names for networks and hotspots.
Man Gives Homeless Guy A 'Winning Ticket'
- A random act of kindness to help brighten up your day.
There Can Only Be One
- Two fighters spin-kick, one comes out on top.
The Worst On-Air Rap In TV History
- Well, that could have gone better.. Like infinitely...
Guys Check Out Another Dude's Butt In This Yoga Pants...
- Wearing yoga pants to prank guys as they walk by...
The Reaction .GIFs
- A collection of funny reactions to some of life's...
All The Most Important Nicolas Cage Facts
- Everything you ever wanted to know about the greatest...
Insane Double-Tie On The Price Is Right
- Two pregnant women, both named Lisa go...
DMCA - How Drivers Feel About Cyclists
- A PSA for cyclists from Top Gear.
Colonoscopy Prank: We Found Something...
- Showing patient X-rays of their colons with unusual...
33 Perfectly Looped .gifs
- Warning: May cause perfect loopiness.
Amazing Free Kick Attempt
- Too bad it was met by an amazing diving save!
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh round of randomness!
An 8 Year Old Boy Pays It Forward
- An Ohio boy shows his gratitude to a soldier for his...
Final Fantasy VII: Cloud Goes Shopping
- Cloud doesn't have a lot of menu options for mundane...
Let's Take A Stroll Down Memory Lane
- 38 Images that may take you back in time...
Nascar 14 Trolling - "The Intimidator"
- Weregonnalose creates a new user name that doesn't sit...
34 Hilarious Vanity License Plates
- What's the best one you've seen?
Why Does Daisy Get Her Ice Cream First?
- Cooper knows the deal.
Female Soldiers From Around The World
- Military personnel that break stereotypes of only ugly...
Impatient Driver Gets Lucky
- And not just once...
Cat Vs. Aquarium
- A cat wants to jump into an aquarium but fails...
Irish Mother's Reaction Son's Surprise Visit
- I honestly wasn't sure if she was excited to see him...
Glad It's Friday
- 32 GIFs to help get your weekend started off right!
Best News Bloopers Of February
- Funny news bloopers that hit the internet in February...
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