45 Funny Pics from a Recent Safari to Walmart
- Americans are looked at by the rest of the world as a...
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30 More Photos of What the World Looked Like in 1976
- 1976, from "Hollyweed" to the Bicentennial.
The 40 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- Today’s tweets have some genuine comedy gold and...
34 Photos of What the World Looked Like in 1986
- From the Challenger Space Shuttle explosion, to...
13 Cops and Robbers Forgetting Their Differences and...
- There are two elderly women who got to fulfill their...
31 Animals Getting X-Rayed Against Their Will
- Being a veterinarian is obviously a very tough job.
38 Cool Soviet Pics from a Different World
- When the Soviet Union was formed, it was the first...
30 Pics Showing The Unstoppable Monkeyfication of Our...
- If you don’t believe us, you will soon. Here are the...
Gate Attendant Tries to Gaslight Customer into...
- Airlines have gotten pretty brazen recently.
The 32 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- Here are some of the best tweets from the last...
Love’s a Dumpster Fire: 25 Memes for the...
- Let’s face it — love in 2024 is a dumpster fire,...
Skier Falls Into Snow Cavern, Has a Terrifying Rescue
- This is amongst the worst things that can happen on...
Woman Flipping Off Other Drivers Gets Instant Karma
- Road rage doesn’t pay.
40 Ways People Tried and Failed to Smuggle Drugs
- There are a lot of ways to sneak drugs across a...
The 40 Dumbest and Most Wholesome Questions Ever Asked...
- At the outset of the internet, it seemed its main...
Thirsty and Thriving: 20 Memes for the Bold, the...
- Are you single, thirsty, and absolutely thriving?
Eye Doctor Gets Sucker Punched in the Middle of an Exam
- This is for that “shoot air into your eye” test!
29 Vintage and Classic Cars Given a Second Chance at...
- From rusted-out relics to gleaming showpieces, these...
Here’s How Cats React to Zero Gravity
- A crucial part of science involves putting an animal...
The 32 Sexiest Pics from Vintage Ankle Contests and...
- Beauty pageants are a really strange tradition.
39 Drunk Pics for Those Celebrating and Forgetting...
- The day before Thanksgiving, Blackout Wednesday is the...
Woman Hits Car, Does Not Handle Being Asked for Her...
- If you can’t pay for the crime, well, don’t do it.
35 Fantastic Randoms to Entertain and Amuse
- After being significantly delayed, Mike Tyson is...
This Is Why Gun Ranges Have Rules
- Read the sign, asshole!
Forever Alone: 24 Memes That Sum Up Your Love Life or...
- Single, thriving… or barely hanging on?
31 Photos from the Golden Days of Nuclear Testing, and...
- Between the 1940s and 1970s, all of the world's major...
Asshole Steps on Stingray, Gets Stung By Stingray
- This instant karma took a few seconds.
20 '60s and '70s Photos of California's Seriously Cool...
- Surf's up, cameras out.
35 More Photos of What Life Looked Like in 1978
- From weather to war, 1978 was a cold year.
Man Tries to Rob Store with a Knife, Gets Scared Off...
- Don’t bring a tiny knife to a big knife fight!
45 Toxic and Destructive Pics That Are Low-Key...
- Unfortunately, disasters happen and there’s not much...
55 Classic Random Jokes, Memes, and Tweets to Get Your...
- Why did the chicken cross the road? To log into...
50 Fascinating Photos of Marble Quarries to Show Your...
- Marble must come from somewhere.
22 People Share the Dumbest Thing They’ve Ever Been...
- Sometimes you don't know you're walking on egg shells...
36 Cursed Randoms to Haunt Your Dreams
- Now that it gets dark at around four thirty in the...
This Chinese Road Rage Is More Dramatic Than Any Soap...
- Do these guys have a history, or what’s...
Triathlete Asks Camera Not to Film Her Butt Because...
- This is why she’s a winner, folks!
Ugandan Parliament Breaks Out in All-Out Brawl
- If you think our politics are unhinged, all you need...
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