Underwater Nuclear Device Creates an Unbelievable...
- Within a second of detonation, a spray dome was...
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You Are Immune Against Every Disease; an Explanation...
- An informative and detailed look at the Human body's...
31 Odd and Unique Items With Simple Explanations
- A collection of strange and fascinating things people...
North Carolina Bridge Claims Yet Another Truck
- The 11 Foot 8 bridge is a trestle in Durham, North...
SpaceX Astronauts Told to Poop Pants If Necessary
- Apparently the Dragon's piss-tube is broken.
Souped-Up Turbo Car Sucks a Towel in During Dyno...
- During testing of this high-dollar car, the intake...
Boston Dynamics Recreates Mick Jagger's Iconic Dance...
- 40 years ago, The Rolling Stones debuted their iconic...
10 Insane Weapons From Humanity's Dark Past
- Sometimes we're a little too creative.
Rare Video of a Jetliner's Insane Contrail Filmed in 4K
- Crossing traffic 1000 feet below as seen from a 747. ...
The 25 Most Insane Things Ever Developed In a Lab
- Here's an open secret: there is a fine line between...
Watching this Extremely Rare Lighter from D-Day 1944...
- This is an EXTREMELY rare and special war relic likely...
Jetson Launches the First Ever All Electric Personal...
- The Jetson ONE is an ultralight and extremely fun to...
A Robotic Arm with Artificial Muscles and Full Range...
- This robotic arm is operated by water and consumes...
Absolute Madman Passes a Cop at 186 MPH on the Highway
- This lunatic and his 2005 E55 AMG hits insane speeds...
A Reminder of Why You Should Focus on the Road and Not...
- A demonstration of 2 vehicles heading in opposite...
25 Alcohol Facts That Might Make You Quit Drinking
- Alcohol helps the world go ‘round. It serves as an...
A Robot That Flies, Walks, Skateboards, and Even...
- The 'LEONARDO' drone tackles the problem of landing on...
15 Most Peculiar and Unsettling Things Abandoned in...
- We've collected some of the weirdest and most...
Driver Tries to Regain Suspended License in Court...
- He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Tic Tac UFO Sightings, Videos & Theories for UFO...
- The strange and creepy story of the Tic Tac UFO...
Guy Floats a 150 Pound Anvil on a Pool of Mercury
- Even if you know what's going to happen, you've...
34 Things People Saw and Wanted to Share
- The world is a strange and amazing place, full of all...
Plane Gets Stuck under Overpass and Someone Is Getting...
- Here's something you don't see every day. A plane...
Computer Generated Human Face Is Currently Breaking...
- I promise you this is not a real human face. This is...
Scientist Pits Extreme Solvent, Piranha Solution,...
- Piranha solution is a powerful solvent that gets its...
22 Odd Things With Simple Explanations
- The world is full of all kinds of interesting and...
Timelapse of the Sun's Surface is Shockingly Gorgeous
- It's easy to forget how insanely huge and powerful the...
Rattlesnake Rattles Work in a Fascinating Way
- That's not at all how I thought it'd work but it makes...
Hot Wheels Booster Track Takes over Entire Backyard
- A project that took 4 months to complete, this Hot...
How to "Google It" like a Senior Software Engineer
- They say a Software Engineer is just a “professional...
Dudes Turn Limousine into Portable Hot Tub
- The YouTubers over at CboysTV converted a limousine...
'Tron Guy' Explains How He Paved the Way for Future...
- The father of memes tells all.
A Moment of Pure Magic as the Inspiration 4 Crew Opens...
- An amazing site for these civilians as not only do...
23 Guides to Help You Get By
- Whether it's an update on world events, or a tip on...
Giggling Teen Girls Stream Police Chase, Laughter Ends...
- A trio of teens aged 16-19 thought it would be cool to...
Polish Singer Mints Her B*tthole in First Ever Body...
- You can be the first person in history to own the...
Bike Ends up on Queens Subway Tracks, Causes Explosion
- Someone left a bike on the subway tracks and as you...
Woman Survives Gas Explosion Point Blank, Records...
- Georgia woman @Fighting4Denise was sitting in her car,...
40 Fast Facts to Squish Into Your Brain Wrinkles
- A 40-round extended magazine for the battle against...
eBaum's Picks