Dude Uses Lightning-Fast Reflexes to Save His Beer...
- Not all heroes wear capes.
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Mom Gets Into Fight at Walmart as Son Laughs and...
- By the looks of it, this kid has definitely been in...
Dude Brings Knife to a Fist Fight and It's Still No...
- I love how the other guy took him out with literally...
Giraffe Fight Ends In A Knock Out
- Two giraffes fight, and after one knocks out his...
Grumpy Old Man in Jail Starts a Fight and Gets Rocked...
- Props to the younger guy for not just stomping him out.
Trail Camera Captures an Awesome Grizzly Bear Fight in...
- A couple of massive brown bears, in Finland, fight it...
People Think This Women’s Boyfriend and Best Friend...
- Meet Couch Guy 2.0, courtesy of 21-year-old Utah...
Student Pepper Sprays Teacher after He Confiscated Her...
- Last Friday, a student at Antioch High School in...
Ride or Die Girlfriend Defends Her Man for...
- This woman is the poster child for daddy issues.
Dude's Doordash Delivery to GF Accidentally Reveals...
- That. Is. AWKWARD.
Girl Ditches BF at Grand Canyon after Pushing Prank
- Who is the bigger a**hole here? Because it's clear...
Guy Humiliates Himself With Weakest Punch Ever
- This level of fail is honestly quite impressive.
#JusticeForJanice Trends After Special Needs Girl...
- A group of Chicago girls followed a special needs girl...
'When He Finally Got a Big Break, He Left Me for...
- Not only has Lizzo been accused of abusing her...
Contest Closed
Photoshop Contest #114: Enter For A Chance To Win a... / 0 Submissions
- Enter to win a swag pack with eBaum's gear: t-shirt,...
'17 Is Legal!': A-Hole Gym Goer Melts Down After Being...
- Getting rejected ain’t easy. There are some dudes,...
Man Hole Fall
- Poor guy was just trying to help...
Sucker Punch
- Sucker punch only begins to describe this dispicable...
Snitch Gets Beat Down
- Extreme Video. Mob of people beat down a snitch.
Jock Beat
- Watch out jocks! This guy is pissed.
Pizza Parlor
- Who knew ordering a pizza could be this dangerous?
The Hamburglar
- Whatever you do, DO NOT steal this guy's cheeseburger!
- Guide Batman through Gotham City.
Ball Revamped
- Fight gravity, move your ball to the square.
Gravity Ball
- How long can you fight gravity.
We Are The Internet
- A musical message about the dangers of the fight...
Santa on Crime
- Santa helps to fight crime.
Bus Beating
- This lady beats the crap out of a kid.
Politicians Fight
- Good ole' fashioned politics at its best!
Courtroom Brawl
- Court Room brawl caught on tape.
Guest Punches Host
- This guest had enough of the loud mouth host.
Backyard Boxing
- Pretty impressive fight for pure power punches.
Ass to Face
- This guy doesnt fight as hard as the situation...
Pillow Fight Crybaby
- What a sissy!
Vicious Beating
- This video shows the vicious beating of an old man by...
Fast KO
- A fighter gets completely destroyed in no time flat.
Really Bored
- This guy lets his friend punch him right in the face.
Dead Frontier
- Fight off the zombie hordes in this great survival...
Big Fight
- A man walks into a bar and tells the bartender he just...
Transformers Fight
- Bumblebee takes on Optimus Prime in this epic battle.
eBaum's Picks