Abdul Razak Alhassan Delivers a Fight-Ending Head Kick...
- Abdul Alhassan knocks out Alessio Di Chirico in...
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School Fights Drop Way Down After 'Dads on Duty' Show...
- Their presence in the hallways has completely changed...
Jomboy Provides Play-by-Play of Lebron James-Isaiah...
- It was the elbow felt 'round the (basketball) world,...
Talk Show Rumble
- It's always fun to watch a bunch of people beat each...
Smack Down
- Kids, let this be a lesson to you. Don't eat cookies...
Killer Cats
- These cats just don't get along.
Police Station Brawl
- Three cops and a can of mace aren't enough to take...
Sucker Punch
- We bet he didn't see that coming!!!
Out of Hand
- This host obviously said something he shouldn't have.
2 Second KO
- What a pitiful showing, knocked out in seconds!
Roman Candle Fight
- These people have a shoot out with roman candles.
Fast Punches
- CLASSIC: I have no clue how these guys stayed up...
Kick KO
- This guy comes out of nowhere with a kick and lays his...
Dr. Phil
- Dr. Phil has the guy who created Bum Fights on his...
NBA Brawl
- The brawl between the New York Knicks and the Denver...
World Domination
- A great fighting game where you try to beat all of the...
Badass Ref
- This is why refs start every fight with "Obey my...
Rap Battle Brawl
- A freestyle battle turns into an all out brawl!
Violent Stabbing
- A fight breaks out at a party that ends in one of the...
Freedom Day Riot
- Footage of a riot that broke out at the end of the...
Star Wars Kid Returns
- The Star Wars Kid is back... this time fighting off...
Insane Knockout
- This guy probably isn't feeling too well after that...
Bad Beat Down
- I'd be surprised if these 2 survived this incredibly...
Phillies Game Brawl
- Here is some in crowd footage of the brawl that broke...
Japanese Baseball Brawl
- It's really hard to take them seriously when they...
Shut the hell up
- Yeah, I think that was your cue to stop talking.
Inmates Attack
- Handcuffed prisoners manage to swarm and kick another...
Man VS Crowd
- One of these men is a professional boxer... can you...
Interview Goes Wrong
- This TV interview heads downhill fast, and ends with...
Weng Weng
- Meet Little Superstar's cousin as he whoops 4 guys at...
Painful Injury
- This guy gets more than he bargained for after picking...
Hockey Fight
- Hockey is way too violent, they really need to start...
News Blooper
- If only this clip had turned into a cat fight, then it...
Monkey Motorcycle
- Monkey knife fights aside, this is the coolest thing...
Teacher Gets Beat Down
- This Baltimore teacher gets a beating in her own...
Baseball Fans Fight
- This is what happens when you put Red Sox fans near...
Double KO
- This MMA match ends abruptly when both fighters drop!
WNBA Catfight
- Who knew women's sports could be so violent?
Elk Battle
- These 2 elk batlle on a playground when 1 of them gets...
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