Head Shot Leaves Hockey Player in Critical Condition
- damn, that was a brutal hit, no need to raise the...
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Just Put the Shades On!
- Awesome Fight Scene
Fat Kid Gets Knocked Out
- Two guys decide to fight indoors and . . . . you'll...
Epic Beard Man aka Thomas Bruso Tribute
- He's one bad mother-fcker!!
Protester Shot in the Face with Rubber Bullets
- Miami Police Shot Protester, then laugh about it.
Epic Beard Man Punchout
- For all you 8-bit fans.
Tortoise vs Dog
- This tortoise is not taking any crap from some stupid...
Awesome Ninja Kick to the Face!
- Two chicks duke it out and one definitely had some...
Lacross Brawl
- starts off 1 on 1 by the end all 10 guys are locked up...
Crazy Kitty vs. Its Tail
- who will win?
Have You Seen This Cat?
- Glass breaks, babysitter looks on, kid cries and the...
Evil Squirrel Tries to Kill Man Through Screen
- Satan of the Squirrel World.
Alcoholic Dog
- He's an angry drunk
Roach Clip Episode 14
- Mac Dreidel Jacks His Car Jacker! Footage courtesy of...
Land Slide in Italy
- It actually looks pretty cool
Very WTF Thing on the Side of the Road
- seriously WTF???
Cat VS. Snake
- Guess who won?
Rally Car Stunt Gone Wrong
- that was wicked!
Drummer a Little Too Into It
- or maybe he was just at the wrong gig
Congressman Attacks Student
- Bob Etheridge aggressively confronts two students...
Batman Robs a Taco Bell
- Instead of fighting criminals Batman robs a Taco Bell!
Manager Stole First Base... Literally
- Ejected minor league manager steals first base and...
Weed Store Robbery Fail
- Robbers attempt to rob medical weed store. Shots...
Tree Fights Back
- Lumberjack gets owned after cutting down a tree
Man Almost Falls Off Hang Glider
Rolling Salamanders
- Wonder how they filmed this!
Cat vs Alligator
- A fearless cat takes on an alligator and shows it...
Rudolph is Dead
- He was impaled by a traffic light
Drunk Guy Can't Get Enough
- Count it 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
You Stole My Bong! - The Love Story
- This is how I saw the original anyways.
British Marines Test FGM-148
- British marines test out the FGM-148 Javelin in a live...
On Thin Sea Ice In Norway
- A new Kind of Sport in Norway ? LOL
Principal Attacks Students
- apparently the kid was taking naughty pictures on his...
Old Men Lightsaber Duel (Return Of The Geriatric)
- A group of French old men arguing when a deadly...
Itsy Bitsy Taliban Fighter
- apparently there's no height requirement for terrorists
Subway Brawl Over Spaghetti
- I was on this Subway, Spaghetti was flying everywhere!
Skater Hater Knockout
- skater gets KTFO with a punch and a kick to the head
Bottle Head Smash Huge Fail
- a classic chug and break fail
Karate K.O.
- Karate kid takes a spinning heal kick to the head.
eBaum's Picks